Monday, February 3, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Experiments in Darkness pt. 17

Grath moved closer to Megan.  He seemed to be studying her, watching her as she began to regain consciousness.  He reached out, the tip of his wrist blade playing with the cloth of her uniform, following the curve of the plunging neckline.

As the blade touched her skin, Megan awoke with a sudden gasp.  She backed herself further into the corner, pulling away from the invasion.

“Megan, stay calm.”  I tried to follow my own advice, and avoided screaming.

Grath just glanced my way, but soon his attention was right back on Megan.

“Please...”  Her voice was shaking.  “Please, just get me out of here. I don’t want to become one of those things.”

Kurt and I took a step towards the glass box.  Sensing us approaching, Grath raised his blade, placing the tip just under Megan’s tip.

“Come any closer, and I separate her pretty little head from her pretty little body.”  Grath’s voice rang through my skull.

I winced, doubling over as the vibrations of his warning rang through my mind.  The pain was sudden and intense, worse than any migraine I had ever experienced.  My stomach turned into an instant knot, and I felt like I might be sick.  Suddenly, my knees buckled.  

Kurt caught me, pulling me close.

“What happened?” His voice was a whisper.

“He spoke to... to me.”  I was gasping, waiting for the pain to fade.  “I didn’t know he could do that.”

Grath smiled, or at least it seemed like he was smiling.  It was hard to tell, honestly.  He lowered his blade, letting it slide down her neck, towards the top button of her uniform.


The button went flying, clinking off one of the glass walls, and exposing just a little more skin.

“Don’t you touch me.”  Megan spoke through gritted teeth.

As if to prove that she had no defense against him, Grath popped another button.


“Grath!” Juktha’s voice burst out of my mouth.  “You stay the hell away from her!”

Juktha had only done this once before.  She was taking control of my body.  I could still remember the first time, in the coffee shop.  That same warmth was spreading through my limbs, and I could feel my consciousness being pushed back.  I could still see, but I could tell that I was not the only one viewing the world through my eyes.  I could still feel, but I had no control over my limbs.

“Bobby,” Kurt was yelling now.  “Bobby, what the fuck is going on?”

I could feel my head turn towards Kurt.  “I promise to bring him back in one piece.”  It was Juktha’s voice coming out of my mouth. “Go over to that cabinet over there.  The top left compartment.  Grab a face mask.  You don’t want to be infected.  Once your mouth is covered, I’m going to need you to help Megan, okay?”

Kurt just nodded.  He quickly took off, following Juktha’s instructions.

I felt my body launch forward, towards the glass cage.  My mind was racing.  Even with Juktha behind the wheel, my body was still human.  A little stronger, a little more resiliant, but not by much. I hope she knew what she was doing.

Just as the thought passed through my mind, I felt my body spring off the ground, my arms lifted, covering my face, and I dove head first through the side of the glass cage.

As the panel shattered, the rest of the structure became unstable.  Quickly the roof began to bend, then crack, then break, showering large shards of heavy glass onto those of us who had just so happened to find themselves underneath it.

My body quickly covered Megan, shielding her.  I could feel the chunks of reinforced glass smashing into my shoulders, my back.  My body was withstanding the beating, but there was still damage.  I could feel warm blood trickling down my back.  The glass was slicing into my skin.  Juktha was doing her best to dull the pain, but at this rate I couldn't see my body being able to withstand much more.

“Close your eyes and hold your breath.”  Juktha’s voice whispered into Megan’s ear.

Megan nodded and did as she was told.

I turned my head, looking over my shoulder, and watched as the vile creature that had been this glass cage’s prisoner, was cut to shreds.  An arm, a shoulder, a piece of glass split his head in two.  Grath's form was already weak.  Even though he was strong enough to take one of us out, he couldn't withstand the sudden shower of damage that was being brought down on his body.

There was no blood, though.  Only spores.  Green-gray spores that spread out through the air, floating towards me, towards Megan, towards Kurt.  I glanced up, watching as the spores moved towards the vents.


They were supposed to close when a contagion was released into the air.  They had in the past, so why not now?  What the hell was keeping those vents open?  If those spores got into other rooms, other sections of the building...

One Grath was bad, but a whole army?

I large piece of glass crashed into my back, pushing me forward, pinning Megan to the ground.  I felt her gasp, as the sudden wait on her body pushed all the air out of her lungs.

Double shit!

The spores quickly dissipated, and I stood up, pushing the glass off of me, and slowly regaining control of my body.  Kurt was rushing over, extra face masks in his hands.  He was running towards Megan, towards me.

I held up my hand, motioning for him to stop.

He glanced at me, then at Megan.

The skin on her face was already starting to cover her eyes.  She had inhaled one of the spores.

“What do we do?”  Kurt’s voice was muffled by his face mask.

“We go in after him.”  Juktha’s voice was back to just being in my head.

I nodded.

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