Friday, April 18, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 12

That night Ashtyn found herself in the living room of Kurt and Bobby’s apartment.  She was still shaken up by the ghastly message that had been scrawled on the hallway wall outside of the office.  How had she not heard someone out there?  And what did it mean? 

Bobby was sitting across from her, and now that she could get a good look at him, she saw just how beaten up he still was.  His hair was messy, his skin pale.  He had dark circles under his eyes, and his muscles seemed so tense that it appeared that the smallest noise would set him off. 

Kurt walked into the room, placing a mug full of hot tea in front of her.  He sat in the chair next to Bobby’s.  Kurt looked healthier, but no less wound up.

“So, you called the cops?”  Bobby wasn’t taking his eyes off of her. 

“I didn’t know what else to do.”  She picked up the mug, wrapping her hands around the hot ceramic.  The tea smelled like peppermint and herbs.  “They took some pictures, and they’re testing the blood that was used to write the message.” 

“So, it was for sure blood?”  Kurt had his hand on Bobby’s knee, gently squeezing it. 

“Yes.”  Ashtyn took a sip of the tea.  The hot liquid seemed to melt away the chill that had settled inside of her.  “They don’t think it’s human, but they are testing it to make sure.” 

“What did you tell them about Grath?”  Bobby leaned closer, his eyes unblinking. 

“Nothing.” She shook her head.  “They wouldn’t believe me anyways.  Who knows what that really means, anyway?  Grath’s followers, at least the two we came into contact with, weren’t exactly the most stable bunch.” 

“Do you think there are more?  Steven is dead, but Elizabeth…” Kurt looked nervous.  “Do you think she managed to recruit more?”

“It hasn’t been that long.  How many people could she have brainwashed in… what? A couple of weeks?”  Ashtyn shook her head and took another sip. 

“How quickly did he convert her?”  Bobby was grinding his teeth.  “A matter of hours?  All it took was the sound of his voice.  Those spores are still out there, which means he’s still out there.  How many people do you think have heard his voice by now?” 

“I don’t want to think about it.”  Kurt stood up, and headed towards the kitchen.  “I need something a little stronger then tea.  I’ll be right back.”

“That spore wasn’t the only thing that left the lab.”  Bobby leaned back, but his eyes never left Ashtyn. 

“I think he knows.”  Tabitha’s voice was a mere whisper.  “About me.  I think he’s starting to figure out about me.” 

“We know.”  There was another voice, a woman’s voice in Ashtyn’s mind.  It was familiar. 

“How long?”  It was Bobby who broke the silence that had fallen over the room.

“The day after we got out of the lab.”  Ashtyn shook her head.  “She may have been there longer, but that was when she made herself known.” 

“Tabitha.” Bobby spoke her name out loud. 

It felt weird hearing someone else saying that name.  It was a name she had heard many times in her own mind, but hearing it from someone else?  It suddenly made her reality all the more real. 

“She’s the reason I was able to defeat Grath.” She gave him a half smile.  “He could steal Juktha’s power, but not Tabitha’s.  So…” 

Bobby flinched at her words.  She had just reminded him of what it had felt like to be powerless, defenseless. 

“I didn’t really know how to bring up the subject.  Hell, I didn’t even know if she was real until you and Juktha called me out on it.”  She looked down into her mug.  When she finally looked up, Bobby was smiling.  He seemed more relaxed. 

“This is a good thing.” He sighed.  “I know you will be protected, but I also know that, no matter how weak Juktha and I may be against Grath, there will be someone else there who can do some damage to that son of a bitch.” 

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of Ashtyn’s shoulders.

Kurt poked his head in from the kitchen.  “Who’s up for some Chinese?  Normally I would cook, but honestly, I don’t have the energy.” 

“Sounds good.”  Bobby turned towards Kurt, and the sight of his smile made Kurt do a small double take. 

When Kurt had returned back to the kitchen, Bobby brought the conversation back to the message on the wall. 

“Do you think there could possibly be a real temple?”  Even though he seemed calmer, his eyes still bore the same intensity as before. 

“I could do some digging, but I couldn’t tell you for sure.”  Ashtyn placed her mug down on the table. 

“If Grath is gaining followers, we need to nip this quick before his numbers get to large.” Bobby’s jaw tightened.  “Are you ready for round two with him?” 

Ashtyn nodded, but inside she wasn’t so sure.  They had only just made it out of there last time, and now, if he was gaining strength, then who knew what was in store for them.  

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