Monday, June 30, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 33

Rita didn’t know when she had passed out, but when she awoke she was in a large, stone room.  In front of her were four stone thrones, and behind them, up a wide staircase, was an altar. 

Sitting on one of the thrones was a large, muscular creature.  Its skin was gray, and blue, black veins shone through its sickly pallor.  The creature was leaning forward, as if watching her.  She couldn’t be sure though, because flesh had seemed to grow over it’s eyes.  It was smiling, its thin lips pulled back, and exposing sharp, yellowed teeth. 

“So beautiful.”  A long tongue slithered out, licking its lips. 

“Behave yourself Grath.”  A squeaking voice echoed through the room.  It was a voice she recognized. 


The small elf walked out from behind the thrones, it’s rose cheeks and innocent smile unable to hide the pure evil that resided in it’s eyes. 

“If you don’t want me to play, then why would you put her in such a revealing outfit?”  The creature, who she was guessing was named Grath, turned it’s head towards the small elf. 

Rita looked down.  While she had been passed out, someone had changed her clothing.  She was wearing a white, near sheer, dress.  The front was split down the middle, and the two pieces of cloth connected behind her neck, leaving her back exposed.  The dress was long, running down to her ankles, and she could see the pink flesh of her legs through the see through fabric. 

“Why am I here?”  Rita looked at Ujin, doing her best to hide her fear.  “What do you need me for me?  I’m nothing special!  Do you need a virgin?  I’m…. I’m not one.” 

“Oh, that doesn’t matter, my dear.”  Ujin laughed, throwing his head back, his little hand resting on his belly.  “I just can’t have Grath ripping you to shreds before you’ve served your purpose.” 

“What purpose?”  Rita again tried to stand, but she found that she had no strength.  Her legs were like jelly. 

“How about I let your cousin explain.”  Ujin turned towards the opening to the stone room. 

“My cousin?”  Rita was confused.  She had no family. 

Standing in the doorway was Jean.  His hands were in his pockets, and he refused to look at her.  “Hello, Rita.” 

He stepped into the room, and Rita was pretty sure that Jean had been crying. 

“What is he talking about?”  The panic was seeping into his voice. 

“Your father, my uncle, is the reason you’re here.”  He looked up, and tears still glistening in his eyes.  “He promised you to them, Rita.  Your father promised them your life.  The last of the living Nameless.” 

“You’re lying!”  Rita slammed her hand against the stone floor. 

“I wish I was.”  Jean shook his head.  “After he found this place, he was able to track down the last female descendent of the Nameless.  They guided him right to her.  He… he took her by force, and you are the product of that union.” 

Rita couldn’t speak.  She wanted to scream, to yell at him, and tell him that it wasn’t true, but part of her knew that it was true. 

“When you were old enough he promised the Servants of the Nameless that you would be delivered to them.  You…” Jean looked away, his voice shaking as if he was trying to hold back tears, “you are the key to their return.” 

“The Dark Scribes had already set their plan in motion from the first day you were born.”  Ujin walked towards Rita.  “It wasn’t easy, mind you.  Their power was weakened.  Guiding you here took all their strength.  They couldn’t even create new gods, as the Light Scribes had begun to.” 

“What the fuck are Scribes?  What are you talking about?”  Rita was shaking her head, finding everything she was hearing near impossible to believe. 

“The Scribes, the holy men and women of the nameless, the creators of gods and worlds.  Through factions of Light and Dark they have created the balance in this world.”  Ujin was inches from her face now.  He reached out, and with one, doll like hand, lifted her chin so that she was looking into his round, black eyes.  “When the Nameless decided to leave this realm, they gave up some of their power, and the balance was shifted.  The Dark Scribes were weakened, and when their goddess, Sumthak, was defeated, they found themselves with no other choice.  They needed to return to this realm, to regain control.  Balance be damned.” 

“How… how do they plan on doing that?”  Rita couldn’t look away.  She seemed trapped in Ujin’s eyes. 

“Through you, my dear.”  Ujin giggled.  “You are the gateway.  You are the last, living Nameless.” 

Ujin’s hand slipped from Rita’s chin, and gently moved down her neck.  Slowly, it slipped past the thin folds of cloth, and gently brushed against Rita’s breast, the tiny, plaster hand flicking past her nipple. 

Rita shuttered.  She wanted to say that it was a shutter of revulsion, but something in her body enjoyed the elf’s touch. 

“Why do you get to play, and I don’t?”  Grath was on his feet, stomping in anger. 

Ujin turned to him, “because I’ll be gentle.” 

Without warning Jean rushed at Ujin, punting him away from Rita.  The small elf flew through the air, and crashed into the stone wall. 

“Keep your hands off of her!” His face was red, angry.  His eyes looked like they were about to bug right out of his skull. 

Ujin bounced right up, as if nothing had happened.  He turned, looking at Grath.  “You want to play?  Play with him.” 

Grath just smiled. 

Rita watched as Jean tried to get away, but he couldn’t move fast enough.  Tentacles sprang from Grath’s back, whipping through the air.  One wrapped around Jean’s waist, lifting him off the ground.  Another pushed it’s way into Jean’s mouth, and a third snaked up Jean’s pant leg. 

Rita turned away, closing her eyes.  She could hear Jean’s cries of pain as Grath ravaged him. 

“Stop it!”  Rita screamed as loud as she could.  “Stop hurting him!” 

She turned back, opening her eyes, and she was shocked to see that Jean was not in pain.  No, he was writhing in ecstasy.  Grath’s tentacles seemed to slide and probe, exploring Jean’s body. 

“Why should I stop?  Can’t you see I’m driving him to the brink of ecstasy?”  Grath was standing now, his long tongue lapping at the skin exposed where Jean’s clothes had been ripped.  “I’ll give him pleasures his body has never felt before.” 

Jean began to convulse, his body bucking in wild abandon.  His skin was starting to become blotchy and red.  The blood vessels in his eyes had burst. 

With one loud, uncontrollable moan of pleasure Jean seemed to rip in half, his insides exploding.  Grath growled in delight at the gory display, and his tentacles retracted, dripping a green, frothy substance, and dropping Jean’s tattered remains, still twitching in orgasmic bliss, onto the stone floor. 

“You couldn’t wait for me?”  A young woman stood in the doorway to the temple.  “I always miss out on all the fun stuff.” 

Slung over her shoulder was an unconscious Max. 

“Elizabeth, why did you bring him here?”  Ujin looked at the young woman, annoyed. 

“You know Grath’s appetite.  I thought this would hold him over.  You know, keep him away from your precious Rita.”  As if she was throwing away a wad of paper, she tossed Max off her shoulder, and onto the hard ground next to Rita. 

Max groaned, but didn’t wake up. 

“Why… why did you do that?” She was in shock, unable to comprehend what she had just witnessed. 

“Oh, you haven’t been properly introduced.”  Ujin stood next to Grath’s throne.  “This is Grath, also known as Justice.  As you can see, Justice is just a tiny bit perverted.” 

Elizabeth walked over to the Grath, straddling his waist.  She lifted her shirt and guided his large hands to her bare breasts.  “Thank God for that!” 

She began to laugh as Grath’s tongue whipped violently around her nipple. 

Rita felt sick.  She had never seen something so vile… so perverse in her life. 

“Then get this over with!”  She finally was able to get the energy to stand.  “Just get it done with already!” 

Ujin walked up to her, looking up into her eyes.  “Not just yet.  You are the key, but Grath and his friends are the energy we need to open that gate.  We just need to wait for his friends to get here.”  Ujin smiled, his doll like hand reaching out, gently stroking her thigh.  “They aren’t far now.  It’ll be over soon enough.”

Rita found herself unable to move. 

What the hell did that perverted little elf have in store for her?  

Friday, June 27, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 32

When Clare and Max pulled up to the gates of Fantasy Land they saw a very bloody, beaten up Rico waiting for them.  The second they got the van in park they rushed out, making sure he was okay. 

The story that he told them sounded almost ridiculous, except they had both seen first hand what the creatures in this park could do. 

“She’s on her way to the temple right now.”  Rico looked from Clare to Max, seemingly looking for his new marching orders. 

“Why would you let her go alone?” Max was yelling.  “She’s not equipped to handle that thing on her own!” 

“Yes, yes she is.”  Rico looked to Clare and smirked.  “Trust me on that one.” 

“I need to go after her.”  Clare looked past Rico, at the park.  “You two stay put, okay?” 

“Like hell I will!”  Max grabbed Clare’s arm, pulling her back towards him.  “You are not going in there alone.” 

Clare turned, glaring at him. “What happened the last time I took you on a demon hunt?” 

“This is different.” 

“You became bait, Max.  Within minutes, you were captured.  I can’t take the risk of putting you in danger again, and I can’t waste time trying to save you.  You and Rico stay here.  Wait for Bobby and the others to arrive.”  Clare pulled her arm free, and started down the path into the main fairway. 

Max stood their, mouth agape.  How had he let her go?  He knew he couldn’t physically stop her, but he needed to do something.  He needed to help somehow. He started to walk towards through the gate, but he was stopped by Rico’s hand on his shoulder. 

“Max, trust her on this one.” 

“No way.  I need to help.”  Max turned towards Rico, his anger building. 

“The stay here.  She’s right when she says we aren’t ready for this.”  Rico let out a little laugh, then winced in pain and clutched his shoulder.  “We would only get in the way.” 

Max just nodded.  He hated to admit that they were right, but they were.  As much as he wanted to throw his weight around, be the boss, when it came to this stuff, he was in over his head so far he couldn’t even see the surface. 

Max walked Rico back to the van, and started fishing around in the back for the first aid kit.  Now, under the overhead light, Max could see how deep the wound on Rico’s shoulder really was. 

“We should get you to a hospital.”  Max found the kit, and opened it up, pulling out a pack of bandages and some medical tape.  “You are losing a lot of blood.” 

“We’ll go when the rest of her team arrives.”  Rico’s skin was ashen, and his gaze looked watery.  “I would prefer to stay to make sure Brittany gets out of there okay, but I guess it’s better to be alive to see her after her victory then to die waiting.” 

“You really like her, don’t you?”  Max smiled as he placed the bandage over Rico’s wound and began to tape it down. 

“She’s not like any girl I’ve ever met before.”  Rico laughed again, his voice sounding weaker. 

Just as Max was finishing up bandaging Rico’s wounds two headlights came into view a ways down the drive. 

“Looks like they’re here.”  Max stood, waving his hands over his heads, leading the car towards them. 

Rico just nodded his head. 

When the car finally came to a stop three people jumped out.  Max recognized them from the pictures on the Demon Slayers Inc. website.  As they ran towards the front gate Max could see he beat up and worn out the three of them were. 

He quickly filled them in on what was going on, and Rico chimed in to add a few details from when he and Brittany were attacked.  The three stood, listening, their faces like stone. 

“How do we get to the boat ride?”  Bobby was the first one to speak. 

“Just head straight down the fairway, and you’ll see the dock.”  Max glanced over his shoulder at the park.  That urge to help building up inside of him.  It took all that he had to push it back down.  He had to get Rico to a hospital first. 

“Have you heard from Clare or Brittany yet?”  Ashtyn glanced at the walkie hanging off of Max’s belt. 

“No.”  Max shook his head.  “These things are pretty useless out here, and even if they were, Clare and Brittany don’t have head sets.  If they’re trying to remain discreet, the last thing they need is us blowing their cover.” 

Ashtyn nodded. 

Rico stood up, his legs wobbly.  “Promise me you guys will get Rita back safely.” 

“We can’t promise anything, but we’ll…” Kurt was cut off by the sound of a loud bang. 

Something landed on the roof of the van.  Rico turned just in time to see Elizabeth leaping at him, a blade in her hand.  She slashed, the blade slicing across Rico’s exposed throat., sending a geyser of blood from the wound.  He stumbled back, collapsing onto Kurt.  Blood spurted from his mouth, and his eyes went wide. 

Moving at lightening speed, Elizabeth wrapped one arm around Max’s waist, and with her free hand she held the blade to his throat. 

“You really think we would let the famous ghost hunter sit this one out?” Elizabeth’s voice was a psychotic cackle.

“He has nothing to do with this!”  Bobby took a step towards Elizabeth, but froze when he saw her press the blade into Max’s flesh.  “Let him go Elizabeth, we’re the ones you want.” 

“No, higher ups want you guys,” Elizabeth licked the side of Max’s face.  “Grath and I want a new play thing.  Living in that temple can get mighty boring, and Max here looks like the perfect toy to liven things up.  If you want him back, then meet me at the temple.  We can have a little rumble over who gets to keep the ghost hunter.  Deal?  Good.” 

With inhuman power Elizabeth leapt into the airs, vanishing into the trees. 


Kurt sat there, stunned.  The man resting in his arms was gasping for breath, his eyes wild as blood choked his airways. 

“Bobby…” Kurt’s voice was shaking.  “Bobby, what the hell do I do?” 

Bobby turned to him, “I… I don’t know.” 

Place your hand on his wound.

The voice rang through Kurt’s head.  It was older, masculine, with a light Italian accent. 

Hurry, before it’s too late.

Kurt nodded, doing as he was told. 

A warm, blue light started shining from Kurt’s palm as he pressed it against the gapping knife wound on the man’s neck.  Within moments the flesh started to stitch itself together, and in thirty seconds the wound was gone completely. 

The man took a deep breath, his airways clear. 

“How did I…” Kurt looked at the now closed wound, not even a scar visible to say that he had once been injured. 

We are Doctore. 

Kurt looked up at Ashtyn and Bobby, who were both watching him. 

“So, he’s got one now, too?”  Ashtyn crossed her arms, a slight smirk dancing on the sides of her lips. 

“Looks like it.”  Bobby shook his head. 

“Got one… what?  I’ve… wait…” Kurt was at a loss for words. 

He looked back down at the young man, who was now sleeping peacefully.  “What do we do with him?” 

Ashtyn glanced at the van.  “Hide him in there.  He’s safer out here then in the middle of the battle.” 

“Just hurry up.  Who knows what Elizabeth will do to Max, and God knows what Clare would do to us if we don’t keep him safe.”  Bobby was already helping Kurt lift the young man, and carry him over to the van.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Writing "nice" ain't so nice

As I'm working on the next arc of Accidental Demon Slayers (plus a little something else) I am finding myself struggling with something.  I can't write "nice".  I can write dark and scary, mean and nasty and on occasion inappropriate and kind of sexy (and dirty), but nice is a struggle for me.

Does that mean I don't push forward?

Oh, trust me, I have considered starting over, but really, what would I gain?  I mean, I could rest on what I'm comfortable with, but what growing would I really do if I played it safe?  Anyone who thinks they know everything about anything is a fool.  We are always learning, always growing and one of the best ways to grow is to challenge yourself.  Plus, I'm already twelve parts in.

So, I'm keeping up with my original plan.  While Daughter of Darkness had its own struggles, those were more about content and how far to push things.  This new arc (and that little something else) is a whole different kind of struggle, but one that I will face head on.

Wish me luck!

Also, to any one out there who wants to write.  This is a perfect little lesson for you.  We all have stories that we are drawn to, and naturally those are the stories we tend to create.  Sometimes, though, you have to take a risk, and dive head first into new territory.  Do it.  Take the jump, and take the risk.  You have nothing to lose, not really, and everything to gain.

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 31

Things at the park had remained quiet.  Brittany and Rico had stayed in the security room, a desk pushed against the door, just in case.  The large, picture windows looking out over the park gave them a view of the sunset in the distance. 

“We should have left when we had the chance.”  Rico’s face was pitch white, and his voice shook with fear. 

“It wouldn’t have mattered.  It’s obvious those things have no problem moving around during the daytime.  If they wanted to attack us, they would have.”  Brittany was annoyed. 

She was stuck there with a man who still couldn’t wrap his head around everything that they were dealing with.  Yes, it was a bit odd.  Okay, a lot odd, but he was a ghost hunter.  He should be use to the spooky shit by now.  Instead he was huddled in a chair, shaking like a small child.  She was half expecting him to start sucking his thumb. 

“I’m sorry.”  Rico looked away from her.  “I know I’m… well, right now I seem pretty useless.  It’s just that…” 

“Look,” Brittany took a deep breath, “you can’t clam up, okay?  I know you’re scared.  I’m scared, too, but I understand that if the shit hits the fan, I need to duck.  You can handle this Rico.  You’re not alone.  You have me.”

She still needed to work on her sugar coating, but she had to give it a try.  Yelling at Rico was not going to help this situation. 

“No offense, Brittany, but you don’t strike me as someone who can really take down an army of demon elves.”  His words were mumbled. 

Brittany raised her hand, concentrating hard on the flesh.  While her true form was not much different from her human form, there were slight variations that she had to mask.  Some of it was through simple cosmetics, like contacts to hide her black eyes.  Her other option was mental magic. 

As she focused, she pulled the spell she had cast away from her hand, letting it’s true, gnarled, claw-like form be exposed. 

Rico gasped. 

“Trust me, I have experience with these kinds of things,” she smiled, “because I am these kinds of things.” 

Rico shot to his feet, stumbling away from her. 

“You’re a… you’re a…”  His eyes were so wide they looked like they would bug out of his head. 

“I’m a demon.”  Brittany stood, her hand returning to its human form.  “I’m just working for the good guys.” 

“You mean… I had sex with a demon?”  The words tumbled out of his mouth so quickly Brittany almost didn’t understand them. 

“Of all the things to be worried about, you bring up the fact that we slept together?”  She really couldn’t mask her frustration. 

Sex?  He wasn’t worried if she was going to rip his heart out and feed it to a hellhound, or if she was going to seize his soul for her dark master? He was shocked that he had banged a demon? 

She actually felt kind of hurt.  Had she gone so soft that not even a fricken wimp like Rico was afraid of her? 

Before she could contemplate this fact anymore, she was pulled back to reality by the sound of shattering glass. 

She turned in time to see a small, red, round object shoot through the picture window, spraying glass across the security room.  Instinctively Brittany grabbed Rico, shielding him from the flying shards.  If they cut her, she would heal quickly, but if Rico got hurt he would be useless. 

Another object flew through the shattered window frame, then another.  When the barrage was finally finished, she counted six objects.  The thing that worried her is, when she looked for the red balls, she couldn’t find them. 

“What the fuck was that?”  Rico was standing in the middle of the room, shaking.  Brittany was pretty sure that he was moments away from going into complete shock. 

“I don’t know.  Just keep your guard up, okay.”  She glanced at him, and realized how useless her command was. 

She froze when she heard giggling.  At first it came from a corner, seemingly behind a stack of old security tapes.  Then she heard another, this time from a different corner of the room.  A third one came from under the security console itself. 

“Rico, I need you to do me favor.”  She glanced at him.  “I need you move to the center of the room.  Keep your eyes on that corner, and the security console.”  She slowly backed towards the center of the room herself.  “Keep your focus, okay?  Don’t look at me.  Just keep watching those spots.” 

Rico did as he was told, and she stood next to him, back to back.  “Now, I’m going to have to let me guard down.  Are you going to freak out of you see me change again?” 



“How freaky it is?”  He didn’t turn to look at her. 

“You saw the worst of it.  You okay?”  She kept her voice soft, calm.  She didn’t need him freaking out more then he already was. 

“Okay.”  He nodded. 

Brittany pulled her spell back, and her hands slipped back into their claw like form.  She could feel her muscles tightening up, and her teeth began to sharpen and elongate.  Rico didn’t look at her, but she could tell that he was more focused on the random giggles coming from all over the room. 

Something ran past them, and Rico screamed.  For a brief second Brittany could see their enemy.  It was the elf children from the boat ride.  As it ran past she caught a glimpse of something metallic and sharp clasped in it’s doll like hand. 

Rico shrieked as one of the elf children launched itself out from behind the stack of videos.  The little thing flew threw the hair, it’s mouth snapping opened and closed, revealing sharp, white teeth.  It held a small hatchet over it’s head, and it was aiming straight for Rico’s face. 

Brittany spun around Rico turning towards the demonic mini-elf.  She reached up, her reflexes lightening fast, and snatched the small creature out of the air.  With one, fierce twist she ripped it’s head off, sending out a stream of black, foul smelling ooze. 

She chucked the limp, doll like body away, and braced her self for the next attack. 

This time several of them, probably four in total, rushed them.  At the same time, the door to the security office started to rattle again. 

Rico was screaming, dodging, trying to keep away from the elf children’s blades, and their gnashing teeth, but she saw a few blows hit.  She moved as fast as she could to swat them away, or rip them to shreds, but they were moving too quickly. 

A cut opened on Rico’s shoulder as a blade slashed at him.  He winced, falling to his knees, clutching the bleeding wound.  The elf child holding the blade was clinging to the front of Rico’s shirt, and it had it’s hand raised to strike again. 

Brittany reached down, grabbing the elf child, a little girl, by the head, and started to squeeze.  It let out an unearthly howl, as it’s small, plaster head began to collapse on itself.  She felt a sudden shock of pain in her leg as a blade cut into her calf, and she chucked the doll in her hand at the wall.  It hit with a splat, it’s body exploding upon impact. 

“Rico, I could use a little help here!”  Brittany reached down, trying to grab the small creature stabbing at her leg, but it darted away before she could get it.  Another one launched at her, slashing it’s blade across her chest, and ripping open her shirt. 

“What do I…”  Rico was up, looking around, trying to pull one of the creatures off of his back.  He stumbled backwards quickly, smashing his back against the wall.  The creature squeaked, and exploded. 

That was three.  They only had three more, and whatever was hidden behind the still rattling door. 

Brittany felt something catch her ankle, and she fell over.  She saw one of the elf children standing on the security console, tossing a long needle from hand to hand.  It was giggling wildly.  Before it could pounce, a monitor came crashing down on it, splattering it’s insides all over the security console. 

Rico stood there, his face red, his hands clutched into fists. 

“Nice!”  Brittany jumped to her feet, wincing as her injured leg took on weight.  “Only two more.”

“And me!”  A high-pitched, female voice came from the other side of the door.  “Let me in on the fun, too!  I want another crack at the demon whore!  One bite just wasn’t enough.  I want to eat her whole!” 

“Let mama in!”  Two squeaky, child like voices chimed in. “Let mama in!  Let her play, too!” 

One of the elf children charged at Brittany’s shins, but it wasn’t fast enough.  Brittany swooped down, picking it up.  The thing wriggled in her hands, snapping at her fingers.  In what must have seemed like a blur, Brittany grabbed the doll’s head and twisted.  Then, with a hard yank, she pulled the head from the body. 

“One more.”  Brittany turned towards the door.  “You hear me you demonic elfin bitch!  Only one more of your little pain in the ass babies left!  Then I’m coming after you!  Be afraid, be very afraid.” 

“The servants of the Nameless know no fear.”  The mama elf’s voice was calm.  “We only have one goal, to do their bidding.”  The door stopped rattling.  “They do not require you, or the human male, and so they will let us feast on your ripe flesh.  Only those working as hosts to the Scribe’s creations are needed.  You are worthless!  You are food!” 

Rico cried out as the last elf child leapt onto his back, stabbing him in the shoulder with a rusty pair of scissors. 

“Son of a bitch!”  Rico reached back, pulling the elf child off of him, and throwing it into the floor. 

The elf child squealed as Rico stomped it to death.

The door to the room burst open, and the elf woman rushed in, but Brittany was faster.  She grabbed the elf woman by the front of her little red, overall dress, and slammed her against the wall. 

“Useless!  You are lower then cattle!”  The elf woman shrieked and squirmed. 

“Who are the Nameless?”  Brittany slammed the elf woman against the wall again.  “Who are the Scribes?” 

“Our masters!  The creators, and the faithful!  They shall return to this realm.”  The elf woman’s voice was a hiss.  “They shall use the promised vessel to return to this realm, and continue their creation of the new gods!”  The little doll began to cackle.  “Out with the old gods, in with the new!” 

“Holy shit!”  Rico was looking at the security monitors. 

“What?” Brittany turned towards him. 

On the monitor she could see Ujin, spider like arms jutting out of his back, as he crawled along the small, faux cabin roofs.  Clutched in two of his arms was a screaming Rita. 

“The vessel is here!  The ceremony can begin!  All hail the name…” 

Brittany smashed her fist through the elf woman’s head, silencing her squawking, and dropping her to the ground.

She walked towards Rico.  “I need you to go to the front gate, okay?” 

“What?  Why?” He had started to regain his color.  He no longer appeared scared.  No, he looked pissed. 

“You’re injured, and I don’t want you getting killed.”  She placed her hand on his cheek.  “Just go to the gate, okay?  When Clare gets here, tell her what that elf woman told us.” 

“What about you?”  Rico’s anger seemed to subside for a moment. 

“I’m going to the temple.”  Brittany kissed him, and ran out of the security room.  She never looked back, knowing that Rico would follow her orders.