Friday, July 4, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 34

Brittany stood, hidden in the entryway to the temple.  She couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed.  Sure, she had an idea of what Grath was like from what Bobby and the others had told her.  She had seen first hand what he was capable of in the way Bobby had shut himself away from the world, but she had no idea that he could be that sick.  She still couldn’t scrub the image of Jean’s face from her mind.  He was insane, his body out of his own control.

Part of her wanted to rush inside, to start the attack now, but she knew that she didn’t stand a chance.  Even with her demonic powers, she was no match for whatever Ujin was, and she sure as hell didn’t want to end up on the business end of one of Grath’s tentacles. 

She did need know one way to help, though.  She could take out Elizabeth.  That crazy bitch was basically human.  Brittany could sense some of Grath’s energy on her, but not enough to make her a real threat. 

All she had to do was get her away from the others, and out of the central chamber. 

Brittany felt around in her pockets for something to throw.  All she had to do was get them to send Elizabeth outside to check things out, and she would have her chance. 

Her hand wrapped around something small and slimy.  She pulled it out of her pocket, and examined it.  It was the eye ball of one of those little demon/elf children that had attacked her and Rico in the Security Room.  She gave it a squeeze, and just as she had expected, it was solid. 

She bent down, and rolled the slimy, black blood covered eyeball into the temple, then ran for the entrance. 

She stood outside of the temple, pressed against the wall, listening. 

“What the hell is that?”  It was Elizabeth’s voice.  It sounded breathy, like Grath was already getting to work on her. 

“Damn it!  I had hoped my servants would have take care of the demon and her companion.”  That was Ujin’s voice.  “Elizabeth, go out there and make sure that demon bitch isn’t going to get in the way of our little… ritual.” 

“Now?”  Elizabeth again.  “I’m kind of busy!” 

“You can serve your master later.  Do your job, girl.” 


Brittany pressed herself tight against the wall, slipping sideways just a bit, letting the shadows hide her.  She could hear Elizabeth’s shoes as she walked down the long, stone corridor that led outside. 

Brittany watched as Elizabeth stepped outside. 

“Why the hell do I have to…”  Elizabeth was mumbling to her self, kicking stones off the lip of the temple, and into the lake. 
Moving quickly, Brittany went in for the attack.  First, smashed her fist into Elizabeth’s windpipe, making sure that the bitch couldn’t call for help. 

Elizabeth turned on her, swinging wildly, gasping for air.  Brittany easily dodged to attacks, moving smoothly from side to side.  Elizabeth had some fight in her,  and even as she was gasping for air she was able to throw some pretty solid kicks towards Brittany’s head. 

With a thwack one of those kicks connected, the heel of Elizabeth’s boot catching Brittany in the temple.  She stumbled, nearly falling off the lip, and into the murky water below.  She had gotten cocky, and paid the price for it. 

“I am going to make you bleed.”  Elizabeth’s voice was a painful rasp. 

She held out her arms, her hands clenched into fists.  Two bony swords burst from the tops of her hands, ripping open the skin.  Elizabeth didn’t seem to mind though. 

“Shit.”  Brittany rolled as one of Elizabeth’s wrist blades came crashing down, nearly splitting her skull in two. 

Brittany spun around, kicking Elizabeth in the stomach, sending the woman flying back, and crashing into the side of the temple.  The kick threw her off balance, and Brittany fell, her face just inches from the water. 

The water began to move, then bubble.  Something was down there.  Brittany pulled back just as a smiling, snapping face shot out of the pitch black lake.  It was a swarm of those little elf dolls, and they were hungry. 

Brittany was able to get back on her feet just in time to see Elizabeth rushing at her, blade extended.  She had to think fast. 

Quickly, she dodged, grabbing Elizabeth’s wrist, and twisting it behind her back.  Then, with a swift kick, she kicked out Elizabeth’s feet, bringing her to her knees. Before Elizabeth could react, Brittany dunked the woman’s head into the lake. 

The water bubbled and frothed as the little elf demons devoured Elizabeth’s face.  Elizabeth’s body jerked as her flesh was ripped from her bone.  After a few minutes Brittany pulled Elizabeth’s head from the water. 

The woman’s face was almost completely gone, replaced by a partially chewed flesh and muscle.  One small, eager little elf child still clung to a flap of flesh that dangled from Elizabeth’s neck. 

“Eat up!”  Brittany kicked the rest of Elizabeth’s body back into the water. 

When she looked up from the bloody cloud forming in the lake she could see one of the ride’s small boats floating towards her, Clare at the helm, and Bobby, Kurt and Ashtyn sitting right behind her. 

The fight was about to start, and after that little tussle with Elizabeth, Brittany felt ready to go. 

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