Thursday, April 14, 2016

Eye See You: Infection pt. 40

In the hallway we could finally hear it. Virus was everywhere, attacking the patients and the staff at an accelerating rate. The hallways were filled with screams of pain.

I needed to find Dina. She was somewhere in the building.

“We need to leave.” Albert was tugging at my arm like a child about to throw a tantrum. “Come on, we need to…”

I yanked my arm away from him, and he tumbled to the ground, his bony knees making a painful cracking sound when they hit the linoleum. “I am not leaving until I find my friend.”

“But…” He looked up at me, his eyes wide and wet with tears.

I almost felt pity for him. Outside of the Digital Void he was nothing. He was a weak and powerless creature who couldn’t even defend himself. In his digital world he was god. He could cause pain and torment people left and right, but here, in reality, he was nothing.

“I’d tell you to leave if you wanted to, but Janelle made it sound like you were pretty important. So, you’re coming with me.”

I grabbed his arm, yanking him to his feet, and we headed down the hallway. I needed to find a patient registry, or charts, or anything that could tell me what room Dina was in. 

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