Monday, May 12, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 19

We had made it out of Kurt’s office before the police had arrived.  No one had notice that we were missing.  Most of them were still in shock. 

I knew how they felt. 

Driving home, Kurt sitting in the front passenger seat, and Ashtyn in the back, I found it hard to concentrate on the road.  Kurt’s skin was caked in blood, and dried, blue slime seemed to cover his entire hand.  He didn’t speak, barely moved.  Instead he just looked out the window, watching as the world passed us by. 

When we made it back to our apartment, no one spoke.  Ashtyn went to the couch, lying down.  She closed her eyes, and I think she fell asleep, but I couldn’t be sure.  Kurt made his way to the bathroom, and in seconds I could hear the shower running. 

Is this what it had been like with me since…

I know I had shut everyone out.  I had completely shut down.  It wasn’t by choice.  I just couldn’t bring myself to function.  Everyone had tried to get to me, to talk to me, to get me to talk to them, but I just couldn’t do it.  Not even Juktha could get me to open up, because I didn’t fully understand what I was supposed to say.

How did I explain how powerless I felt?  Not only had I lost my strength, by I had been unable to fight of Grath’s tentacles.  For the longest time I had been the strongest member in the group.  I had the power of a goddess on my side, and she seemed able to do anything.  Yet, in that moment, as I was suspended in the air, Grath’s tentacles probing my body, I could do nothing.  That power I had relied on was gone, because it had never truly been mine in the first place.

I was weak. 

As I approached the bathroom door, I still didn’t know what to do, or what to say.  I couldn’t figure out my own pain.  How was I supposed to help anyone else with theirs?  I gently pushed the door open, and stepped into the bathroom. 

Kurt stood there, naked.  Even the skin that had been covered by his clothes was stained red.  He was looking down at his hands, at the pile of clothes at his feet.  He seemed frozen in place, his limbs unable to move. 

“I’m not going to ask if you’re okay.”  I approached him slowly, keeping my hands at my side.  “I know you’re not.  None of us are.”

I wanted to reach out and touch him, but in that moment, looking at him as the shock was settling into his brain, I doubted that even my touch would help. 

He looked at me, the muscles in his face tight.  He was trying not to cry.  Even after everything he had been through, and everything he had witnessed, he was trying to stay strong.  I could see his shoulders shake as he choked back the sobs. 

Who was he staying strong for?  For me? 

My body responded before my mind even had a chance to think.  I walked over to him, wrapped my arms around him, and kissed his forehead.  He clung to me, the tears finally free to run down his blood soaked cheeks.  He didn’t speak, he just… cried. 

I held him close, unable to let him go.  I needed him.  I needed him to be okay, to not feel the pain and the loss that he was feeling at that moment.  I needed him to scream at me, to blame me for getting him involved in this whole fucked up situation.  I needed him to hit me, to yell at me, and call me a bastard, and blame me for everything he had endured.  It was my fault.  It was all my fault. 

He didn’t hit me, or yell at me.  He didn’t curse me, and kick me out.  He just held me, and he cried.  Then he kissed me, softly.  I could feel the warm wet tears on his cheeks, and I could feel his body trembling, not from excitement, but from fear and sadness. 

I undressed, and we both stepped into the shower.  We didn’t make love.  Neither of us was in the mood, not after what we had witnessed.  Still, touching him in that moment felt more intimate then sex ever could.  I wasn’t touching him because I wanted to arouse him.  I was touching him because I wanted to heal him, to let him know that everything would be all right.  I knew it was a lie, but as we stood there under the stream of hot water, I wanted to believe that lie, and more importantly, I wanted him to believe it. 

After the last of the blood was washed away, I led Kurt to the bedroom, and lay next to him.  He fell asleep within minutes, the exhaustion overtaking him.  I stayed by his side, watching him.  I watched as his side rose and fell with each inhale and exhale of his breath.  I touched his cheek, feeling the warmth of his life against my fingertips.  Soon I drifted off to sleep myself, but I was always aware of his warmth next to me. 

I found myself back in that familiar room, Juktha’s room.  The walls were now a dark, rusty brown, and the floor pink marble.  Windows opened out to a softly churning ocean, and I could smell the sweet, salty water as it wafted through the breeze. 

Two large, red pillows were set on the floor across from each other.  Juktha sat in the far one, and I sat myself down opposite her. 

“It’s been a while since you’ve been here.”  Her voice was soft, sweet.  She smiled, looking at me not as the goddess that she was, but as the protector she now saw herself as.  “I was worried you would never return.” 

“I needed time.”  I glanced out the window, looking at the stunning blue sky.  “I still need time, but it’s looking like time is not a luxury that I have anymore.” 

“You will heal, eventually.”  She reached out, placing her hand on my knee.  “You have Kurt by your side.  He is the one who was destined to keep you whole.” 

I looked at her, and I could feel the anger building up inside of me.  “Who is supposed to heal him? After what he saw… How can I heal that?  I can hardly protect him anymore.  I couldn’t stop Megan.  I couldn’t save those people in his office, and I sure as hell couldn’t have spared him having to witness that… that slaughter.” 

“You heal each other.”  She sighed.  “It is not some divine power I am talking about.  You two have survived because of each other, because of the love you share. I know that you are still unsure of yourself, of your own strength, but you have it.  Your strength is the need to protect the ones you love.” 

“How can I protect them when the one who is trying to kill them can just drain your power?”  I stood up, walking to the window.  I didn’t want to be angry with her.  She didn’t deserve it.

“Yes, Grath can drain me of my power, but only when we are in his domain.”  Juktha stood as well, walking towards me.  “We will not make the same mistake the next time we face him.” 

I turned, meeting her eyes. “And where, exactly, is this grand battle going to take place?” 

“I do not know.  We must ask Tabitha.”  Juktha sighed.  “She is the daughter of Grath, and myself, which means that she shares a connection with both of us.  She is the only one who can tell us where he is hiding, but I doubt she realizes it yet.”    

“There is one other option.”  I took a step towards Juktha.  “We find Elizabeth.” 

“Don’t.”  She shook her head.  “Vengeance will not solve this problem. If you face Elizabeth, you know as well as I do, that it will lead only to more violence, and I ask you, do you really want human blood on your hands?” 

I hated to admit it, but the idea of taking out Elizabeth seemed so perfect.  She was a psychotic bitch who never thought twice about taking someone’s life.  Taking her out would be a public service. 

Juktha’s brow furrowed.  She had heard my thoughts.  “Do you know why Grath is the way he is?  His hosts did exactly what you are thinking of now.  They used their powers to dole out the justice that they felt the criminals deserved.  That hatred burned hot in them, and it corrupted Grath.  Do you want to become a monster, just like him?  Do you want to become what you hate the most? If you go after her, you will kill her.  I know that much.  Her death will open up something inside of you that can never be closed.  If you take that step you will never be the same again.  A part of what makes you good will be gone forever.  Are you willing to sacrifice that?” 

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut.

“So, how do we get Tabitha to reveal Grath’s location?” I looked away from Juktha, ashamed that I had even considered taking a life. 

Still, in the back of my mind, the idea still seemed to fester.  Elizabeth deserved to be taken out. 

I pushed the thought away, burying it deep inside of me.  I had to focus. 

Juktha watched me.  She seemed unsure of me.  “We need to enter Tabitha’s realm.  Even though she is my daughter, she is unknown to me.  She will not feel comfortable entering your mindscape.  Once there, I can work with her, help her develop her powers.” 

“Can she be trusted?”  I hated asking the question, but I knew I needed to ask it. 

“I’m not sure.”  Juktha sighed.  “We don’t have many other options, do we?” 

I nodded.  As much as I wanted Elizabeth to pay for what she had done, I knew that Juktha’s plan was the best. 

I couldn’t risk letting my need for revenge getting in the way of doing what was best for my friends.  For the time being I needed to push my own pain aside, and fight for what mattered most, the people I love.  

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