Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Pom Pom Angel: Love Rescue pt. 20

Gus saw Regina being led away.  He couldn’t see the guy’s face, but he could have pointed those nipples out in a line up.  Could the bartender have…

He was moving, pushing his way through the crowd.  How could he not have seen the guy slip something into her beer?  How could he have been so stupid? He should have figured something was wrong the second she had started acting off. 

The crowd was thick, and he was losing sight of Regina.  He saw a crack of street light as a door in the back of the bar opened then closed.

Nips McGee, bartender and potential rapist, was taking Regina into the alley.  He was taking her away from people, away from him.  Out there she could scream and yell all she wanted, if she even could at this point, and no one would be able to hear her over the noise of the bar. 

He pushed harder, but the crowd seemed to be growing thicker. 

“Damn it!  Get out of the way!” Gus screamed, but he knew no one was hearing him. 

“Gus!” It was a familiar voice. 

He turned and saw Missy and Nando making their way through the crowd towards him. 

“He took her!” That was all he could say.  He needed to tell them everything, but that was all he could get out of his mouth.  “He drugged her and he took her!” 

“Who drugged who, and took who where?” Nando was closest, leaning in so that Gus could hear him over the crowd. 

Gus could feel the panic welling up inside of him.  “The bartender slipped something to Regina, in her drink.  I just saw him lead her out to the alley behind the bar.” 

Missy was there one minute, and gone the next, the only remnant of her even being there was the pile of street clothes lying on the sticky bar room floor. 

“Come on!”  Nando grabbed Gus’s hand, and they both started towards the back door.  

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