Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pom Pom Angel: Love Rescue pt. 21

Missy didn’t like Regina.  Actually, she hated Regina.  She hated all demons.  It was just something in her DNA.  There was one thing she hated more, though. She despised assholes who took advantage. 

In her normal state Regina could probably claw the guy’s eyes out of his skull, but as she was now…

Missy hovered above the alley, her wings batting the air gently, quietly.  When she had gone into action her clothes, the ones she had liked so much, the ones that Soul had bought her, had shed, replaced by her tried and true cheerleading uniform. 

She had ruined her new outfit.  One more reason to kick this bastard’s ass. 

She could see him leading Regina down towards the back end of the alley, a dead end, far away from people and streetlights and anyone who could hear them.  She followed him, them, watching closely. 

Regina was stumbling; looking like she was barely able to keep upright, but the man didn’t care.  He just dragged her along. 

“Come on, I’ve got something to show you.” His voice made Missy’s stomach twist into a knot.  “You’ll like it, I promise.” 

Missy swooped in closer, her eyes adjusted to the shadowy dark of the alley.  The bartender tossed Regina down, sending her sprawling in a pile of ripped garbage bags.  Missy could hear Regina moan in protest.  If his victim had been human, she would have been out cold by now, but with Regina being a demon she was still able to fight the effects of whatever drug he had given her. 
When he reached for his belt buckle Missy swooped down, her foot aiming for the space between his shoulder blades. She struck hard, sending him sprawling forward, his face cracking against the hard brick of the alley wall. 

He turned, angry, blood pouring from his nose.  “Who the fuck…” 

He stopped cold when he saw Missy, her wings outstretched, her feet hovering above the damp, urine soaked black top.  She was smiling, her eyes gleaming in the dim light. 

She was an angel of love, but at that moment she had no problem becoming an angel of wrath. 

The bartender charged at her, but he didn’t stand a chance.  She spun, her foot connecting with his jaw.  He went flying, his body smashing into a half filled dumpster. 

He was getting back up on his feet.  He was wobbly, and his left shoulder was out of the socket. 

“Bitch!” He was howling through chipped and broken teeth. 

Missy didn’t turn when she heard the back door to the bar slam open. 

“Holy shit!” Nando was the first to speak. 

“Stand back, boys.” Missy let her feet touch down.  “I got this.”

The man ran at her, his arms flailing.  He was six shades of sloppy, and ready to drop.  Missy caught him by the neck, lifting him up, off his feet. 

She glanced at Regina, who was on her feet and already starting to regain her strength. 

“Let me have him.”  Her voice was slurred slightly, but her eyes were focused. 

Missy looked at the man, at his snarling, red face.  She looked into his bloodshot and angry eyes.  Was there any good left in him?  Was he already damned to hell? 

As far as she was concerned, yes, he was, and the woman he had intended to rape was going to be the one to send him there. 

“He’s all yours.” With a flick of her wrist Missy sent the man flying.  He crashed hard into the pile of garbage that Regina had just been lying on. 

Regina just nodded, turning to the man.  She straddled him, lowering her face close to his.  Missy watched as Regina clutched his jaw in her hand, forcing his mouth open.  There was no contact, but red wisps escaped his lips, fluttering into Regina’s open, hungry lips. 

Missy thought that she would be scared the first time she saw someone get their soul eaten, but at that moment she felt nothing.  If the man had been an innocent, maybe, but he wasn’t innocent. How many had their been before Regina?

The man went limp, and Regina stood. 

“Thanks.” She didn’t look at Missy as she spoke. 

“You still planning on stealing Gus’s soul?” Missy braced herself, ready for an attack. 

“Steal his soul?” Regina let out a laugh and turned.  “Sweetie, you have to be pretty bad before I can get dibs on your soul.” She walked towards Missy, her steps more solid then before.  “I’m your other half, Missy.  The left shoulder to your right.  I need Gus around just as much as you do.”

Missy did not like that answer.  She didn't like it at all.  

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