Thursday, September 17, 2015

Eye See You: Luke Connects pt. 6

Randy rushed to her.
It didn’t matter that he was naked, or that he nearly slipped and broke his neck getting out of the shower.

He rushed to her.

I took my time, grabbing a towel.
When I finally made it to Bella’s room, the weakling was lying on the bed, eyes locked on the ceiling, screaming her little lungs out. 

Randy was on his knees, shaking her, water dripping down his back, off his body and on to the floor. 

He gripped her shoulders tighter.
“Bella, it’s okay.  I’m here.”

I glanced back at me, and I had to force myself to even fake concern.

“I have a bottle of sleeping pills in the bathroom.  They calm her down. “ 

I nodded, and rushed out of the room, doing my best to keep up appearances.

The pills were in the medicine cabinet.  I grabbed them, and then froze when I closed the door. 
I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. 
My face was twisted in anger and annoyance. 
I looked… Like a monster.

What the hell was wrong with me?
Why was I so angry at someone who was staring death in the face? 
It wasn’t her fault.  It was the Unknown Sender. 
He had turned her into a drooling, screaming mess. 
He was the one getting in the way. 

He was the one putting those thoughts into my head.

He had to be. 

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