Thursday, October 1, 2015

Eye See You: Luke Connects pt. 10

When I was finally free of the Digital Void I found myself back in my apartment, sprawled out on the floor. 

My body was covered in sweat, and my muscles ached.
I tried to stand, but my legs were shaking too much. 

“Just remember Luke, this is what you have to do to save Randy.”
The earpiece fell away from my head and bounced onto the carpet. 

When I finally got enough strength to stand I rushed to the bathroom. 
I could feel the bile rising in my throat, and when I made it to the toilet I vomited.
My stomach kept pushing, trying to rid me of whatever evil had managed to invade me.

When I was done, I sat there, slumped against the toilet.
I had to do whatever it took to keep Randy safe. 
I could endure this if it meant that he could live.

I stood up.
I brushed my teeth, expelling the taste of vomit from my mouth.
I ran a bath, and when it was full I lowered my tired, worn, abused body into the hot water. 

I could endure this.
I could endure this, because when it was all said and done, I would finally be in charge.

I would have control of my life again, and Randy would be by my side.

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