Friday, October 2, 2015

Tentacle University pt. 8

He could still feel the burn from his sliced tentacle.  Sure, he had given those damn Hen Warriors a solid beating, kept them off his back for now, but they had seen him.  Things were moving to quickly.  It was his hunger, his fucking hunger.  He had been starving, he had gotten sloppy, and now they knew he was at the school. 
He needed a way to hide.  He needed a way to blend in perfectly with the student body.  What he needed... was a host. 
The process was a little more intimate than when he fed, but he didn't mind that, and it would make life so much easier. 
Yes, he would find himself a host. 
Lee Kelly was a pervert.  He was well aware of how perverted he was.  In fact, he was proud of his perversity.  He was also a pervert with very specific tastes. 
Lee liked to watch.  He liked it even more when his nubile subjects had no idea that he was watching them. And lucky for Lee, no one seemed to notice him.  He was as bland as could be, at least on the outside.  He blended right in, and was instantly forgettable.  Most people would bemoan their lack of distinction.  Lee cherished it. 
That night he was at his favorite spot, perched atop of a stack of crates in the back alley of the Dance Building.  He used the dumpster to climb up, and settled in easily.  The crates gave him perfect access to a high window that looked down into the girl's locker room.  He was high enough to be out of the line of sight, and the window also gave him a wide, almost complete view of the changing area.  The showers were out of his field of vision, but he didn't mind.  Shower peeping was risky, and in most cases required creating a viewing hole of some kind.  He preferred to keep things simple, and use the environment presented to him. 
The less alterations he made, the fewer chances he had of getting caught. 
He heard a rustling in the trees that lined the other side of the alley, but paid it no mind.  It was probably just a squirrel or a raccoon.  It wasn't like he could see anything, anyways.  The only light he had was coming from the window, and the window was so small that only his perch had any kind of illumination. 
The door from the dance studios swung open, and it looked like two of the students were walking in, gym bags slung over their shoulders.  The first was short, with round hips and large, bobbling breasts that threatened to spill out of her thin tank top.  Her chestnut hair was wet with sweat, and pulled back into a ponytail.  Lee had seen her around campus, but for the life of him he could not remember her name. 
The second girl, though... The second girl he knew on sight.  Reign "Cherry" Harper.  She was tall, lean, with pert breasts and a tight ass.  Her brown skin shone with sweat, and her short hair, dyed a fading blue this week, stuck to her forhead with persperation. 
Cherry lived in his dorm.  He had watched her plenty, but never like this.  He had never seen her... naked, or at least, about to be naked. 
He leaned closer, and he could faintly pick up their conversation. 
"Mickey," said Cherry," he's been a complete wreck all day.  He refuses to leave my room, and don't even mention going back to his room. I could kill that cop for showing Peter that crime scene photo." 
The other girl, who Lee guessed was Mickey, shrugged. 
"I know it sucks, but the cop needed the ID." Mickey pulled off her top, throwing it into her now open gym locker.  "Peter will get over it.  He'll heal, just like the rest of us will.  It'll just take time." 
"I just can't believe their dead."  Cherry sat on the bench between the two rows of lockers.  "I was just talking to Lori last night.  She had some big adventure planned for Tim, and now... murdered.  Not just murdered, decapitated." 
"Can we please change the subject?" Mickey turned towards her friend, hands on her hips and big, heavy breasts swaying. "I still have to walk home tonight, and the last thing I want to think about his some psycho on the loose." 
Lee leaned back.  Psycho? On campus?
He had seen a few cop cars that morning, but he hadn't heard anything about any murders.  Well, that would require actually talking to people, and he wasn't exactly the best at interpersonal communication. 
There was a murderer on the loose, and he was alone in a pitch dark alley in the middle of the night.  He heard that rustling from the trees again, and froze. 
"They sound scared," said a deep voice.
Lee slowly turned towards the trees.  Nothing was there.  Nothing that he could see at least. 
"They have nothing to worry about," the voice continued.  "You, however, should be worried. Very worried." 
Before Lee could scream the crate he was using as his perch exploded as three tentacles burst through the wood.  One bound his feet, one his hands, and one wrapped around his throat, just tight enough to keep him from screaming.  He was roughly jerked from what remained of the crate, and pulled towards the trees, away from the light and away from anyone who could hear him. 
As he was drawn closer he could make out the hazy, hulking form of his attacker, and more importantly, the silhouetted outline of his monstrous, pulsing erection. 
"Don't worry," the voice said, "it'll only hurt at first.  After that... well, you won't feel anything at all." 
That was when the tentacle around his neck loosened.  That was when Lee screamed as loud as he could. 
"What was that?" Cherry pulled on her T-shirt, and turned towards the back door of the locker room. 
"Probably just some guys fucking around." Mickey stood by her locker, doing the best to dry the sweat from her shoulder length hair.  "Don't you dare suggest going to check it out.  That is a dumb idea.  A very dumb idea." 
Cherry stood there, watching the door, listening for another scream. 
Something didn't feel right to her.  That scream didn't sound like people screwing around.  that scream sounded like someone was in pain, or scared.  She took a step towards the door, and instantly felt Mickey's hand on her arm. 
"Listen, if you really think it was something, then we should call security... or the cops." Mickey's eyes were wide, and she had started biting her lower lip.  "Cherry, come on..." 
"Someone could be hurt."  Cherry gently pulled her arm free and headed to the door. 
She pushed it open, a sliver of light from the locker room cutting through the thick shadow of the alley.  There was... nothing.  A few scattered, broken pieces of wood lay on the asphalt, but other than that, the alley was clear.  There was no blood, and no other people. 

"Guess Mickey was right," she said to herself, and closed the door.

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