Friday, August 22, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Melody of Light pt. 8

The day had finally arrived.  I hadn’t been entirely sure that it would have actually happened.  I kept expecting some giant, apocalyptic job to come up, and then we would be forced to cancel, or risk the whole world ending. 

So far, no apocalypse. 

Kurt and I sat in the back of the cab, our backpacks resting between us.  He actually looked giddy, which wasn’t all that common. 

“You realize that this is our first real vacation together?”  I leaned back in my seat. 

“Well, we did take that trip to Sumthak’s lair.”  Kurt gave me a slight smile.

“That doesn’t count.  Sumthak didn’t have room service and a beach view.”  I reached out, gently tapping the tip of his nose. 

“You booped me.” He pouted. 

“ A boop of pure love, sweetie.”  I laughed, leaning over our bags, and kissed him.  “I can’t wait to be curled up next to you, the sound of the ocean in the background.” 

‘That sounds perfect.”  He kissed me back.  “So, do we plan on ever leaving our hotel room?” 

“Well, there is one thing I wanted to check out.”  I opened up my backpack, and pulled out a pamphlet.  “Do you know what a vocaloid is?”

“Sounds like a disease.” He grimaced. 

“It’s a completely computer generated pop star.”  I handed him the pamphlet for the hotel we would be staying at.  ‘The Hideaway’ was written across the front of the pamphlet in gold script over the picture of a beach. 

He looked over the info written on the inside, his eyes scanning the small print.  “A singing, dancing hologram.  They perfect the art of holographs, and the first thing they do is turn it into a singing anime character.  Huh.” 

“I thought it sounded interesting.”  I pointed to a picture from one of the concerts that the hotel held.  “Her name is Aria.  Apparently she’s the company mascot.” 

“Is her music any good?”  He glanced at me. 

“It’s… chirpy, but can we really pass up the chance to see a bunch of adults swoon over a digital idol?”  It was my turn to pout.  “It’ll be fun.” 

The cab pulled to a stop. 

“We’ll see if we can fit it in.”  Kurt smiled, and opened his door, stepping onto the sidewalk in front of the terminal for Heartsong Airlines. 

“I can live with that.”  I grabbed our bags and got out of the cab, paying our driver in the process. 

I gave him an extra ten bucks for putting up with the display of stomach churning cuteness in his back seat. 

The second I was out of the car I spotted Ashtyn rushing at us, already in her beach wear.  She had a hot pink fishnet top over a white bikini top, and denim shorts on. 

“Sun and fun here we come!” She pulled a pair of sunglasses out the large bag she had thrown over her shoulder, and put them on.  “Come on, check your bags.  Everyone else is already at the terminal.” 

Again, I had to remind myself that this was actually happening.  We were getting a week away from demons, ghosts and all the paperwork that came with them.  I was going to get the chance to spend a whole week with my boyfriend, and all my friends, on some exotic island that, if Max hadn’t been footing the bill, none of us would probably have ever had the chance to go to. 

This almost seemed like it was too good to be true. A little nagging voice in the back of my head reminded me that it just might be. 

I brushed off the thought, and headed into the airport.  This whole trip was about getting away.  I couldn’t let my doubts cloud what was meant to be a once in a lifetime trip. 

I was going to have fun, no matter what. 

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