Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pom Pom Angel: Love Rescue pt. 3

Missy stood there in the middle of the park picking leaves out of her hair, and wondering why the hell Gus had run.  Who ran from their guardian angel?  Seriously?  Who? 

“Mama, that lady looks weird!”  A small kid stopped in front of Missy, and pointed at her. 

“Huh?”  Missy looked down at her clothes, checked her hair.  Other then some stray foliage, she thought she looked pretty normal.  Well, there were her wings, but…

Wait, the kid could see her?  That’s not how this was supposed to work. 

“Damn it!”  Missy stomped her foot on the ground, frustrated.  How is she supposed to discreetly help her project if everyone could see her, and her fricken wings? 

“Sweetie, it’s not polite to… Oh God!”  The child’s mother an over, scooped up her son, and darted off. 

“Everyone is running away from me today.”  She could feel her cheeks growing red.  “Real great for my self esteem.” 

She couldn’t worry about that right now.  She needed to find Gus, and she needed to get him to stay put, and not run away screaming.  After the reaction she just got, she was starting to realize that maybe her task was a little harder then she had expected.

She glanced around, making sure that no one was watching.  There was only one way she could think of to track him down, and taking off in the middle of a crowd was not the easiest way to stay discreet. 

The coast was clear. 

“Okay, time to try these things out.”  Missy gave them a gentle flap, and suddenly she lifted off the ground like a rocket, shooting straight into the sky. 

So, they didn’t work like normal wings.  She wished someone had told her that before sending her off on a mission, and of course these things didn’t come with instructions. 

She titled her wings forward, in the direction that Gus had run off, and she managed to change direction. 

She soared forward, and the longer she spent in the air, the more comfortable she got with her wings.  She didn’t have to flap them, she knew that much, and changing direction seemed to be pretty easy.  Now, if only she could slow down. 

She bobbed and weaved through trees, doing her best to avoid branches, and the odd bird flying by.  Everything was moving so quickly. 

“Maybe if I…” She shifted her wings downward. 
She dropped like a rock.

As she saw the cement rushing towards her face, she couldn’t help but remember those old cartoons she had watched when she was kid.  The ones where the character would smack into the ground, creating a large, creature shaped crater around them.  She couldn’t help but wonder if she would make a crater, like a cement angel. 

At least she knew she wasn’t going to die.  She had already checked that off her list. 

Her body seemed to bounce off the pavement, as if it was rubber, and she landed square on her feet. 

“Perfect!”  She threw her arms over her head, mimicking a gymnast after a perfect landing.  “Hey, Gus!” 

There he was, right across the street, and he was running into an apartment building. 

Sure, she had a rocky start, but darn it, everything was looking up now!  

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