Friday, October 31, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Melody of Light pt. 28

Kurt heard the scream, and was on his feet, rushing towards the bathroom.

He reached for the handle, but the door was locked.  Locked?  Bobby never locked the bathroom when he was in the shower. 

He slammed his shoulder into the door.  Once. Twice. 


“Kurt! Help… me!”  The door muffled Bobby’s words.  He sounded so far away. 

He slammed his shoulder into the door again. He slammed harder, the flimsy door cracking under the force of the blow.  With one more slam the door splintered, and the lock was ripped from out of the frame. 

Kurt nearly screamed himself when he stepped into the bathroom. 

Bobby was hanging onto the edge of the bathtub, trying to pull himself up.  The water in the tub was a murky black, and seemed much deeper than possible.  He was struggling to keep his grip, and with a hard jerk he went under the water, only his single hand was visible, clutching the slick edge of the tub. 

Kurt rushed towards the tub, slipping on the damp tiles.  He scrambled, half falling, half crawling as he reached out, grabbing Bobby’s hand and pulling. 

Bobby broke the surface, the murky black water seeming to cling to his skin.  He was gasping for air.  Something, something under the water, pulled back. 

“Don’t let go!”  Bobby’s words came out in gasps.  His eyes were wide with terror. 

Another tug, this one stronger.  Kurt could feel himself being pulled forward, his knees slamming into the side of the tub. Bobby went under again. 

Kurt pulled back.  He pulled hard, pulling Bobby up, his torso breaking from the murky water. 

Bobby clung to him.  “Thank… Thank you.”

Kurt leaned back, getting ready to stand, to pull his boyfriend completely free from the bathtub.  When he looked into Bobby’s eyes he froze.

Bobby’s eyes were liquid silver, swirling and reflective.  He smiled. 

“You made this so easy.” The voice was not Bobby’s.  The voice was old, feminine and crackling.

That thing in his arms was not Bobby.  That thing was laughing at him, the mouth open wide, revealing browned and cracked teeth. 

Kurt didn’t have time to react.  Bobby’s arms tightened around Kurt’s neck, and he felt himself being yanked down, pulling off his feet, and into the seemingly bottomless pool of darkness that had filled the bathtub.  

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