Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pom Pom Angel: Love Rescue pt. 12

Gus didn’t notice the young woman until he was already running into her.  With a loud umph his body collided into hers, and sent her sprawling. 

“I am so sorry!” Gus’s body slipped into his regular state of panic.  He reached down, holding out his hand to help her up. 

He froze. 

For a brief moment he could swear he saw nothing short of murderous rage flash across her eyes, but as quickly as it was there, it was gone, replaced by a pained, but sweet smile. 

“I’m so sorry.”  She brushed at her pleated skirt. 

Gus’s eyes hovered at her thighs, her hands pressing the cloth against her milky white skin.  When he finally did look up, he could see that she was watching him. 

“It… it was all.. my…” He could feel his face growing hot.  “I mean… I…” 

This was exactly why he avoided relationships.  This was why he stayed out of bars, off of dating websites and away from matchmakers.  He had no reason to stare at her, or be uncomfortable around her.  She was just a normal human being, with normal short cropped black hair, and green eyes that seemed to sparkle like emeralds in the sunlight, and a body with gentle curves that seemed like poetry in…

He was staring again. 

“Are you okay?” The girl pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, looking away and biting her lip.  “You’re blushing.” 

“I’m fine.”  He laughed, running his hand through his hair nervously.  “I should be asking you.  You’re the one who fell. “ He glanced back, making a point to retain eye contact.  “I’m sorry, by the way.” 

“Sorry is an odd name.” She giggled.  “I’m Regina.”

She held out her hand.  He took it, enjoying the softness of her palm against his.  Softness, and warmth.  No, not warmth.  It was heat.

“Gus.” His name came out as a strained croak.  “My name is Gus, not sorry.  Sorry.” 

“You apologize a lot.”  She taped him on the shoulder.  “How about you buy me a cup of coffee.  To make up for knocking me flat on my butt.” 

“I… I can do that.” He could feel his heart rate pick up. 

Had Missy set this up?  Was she already working her Guardian Angel magic on him?  Normally if he knocked over a girl she would threaten to call the cops.  Today she was asking him out for coffee. 

It had to be Missy. 

He caught Regina looking over his shoulder.  He was about to turn, to see what she was looking at, when he felt her grab his hand. 

“Come on.” She giggled again.  A giggle that seemed to melt his heart, and his mind, all at once. 

With a tug she was pulling him away from the book store, towards the corner.  

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