Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Eye See You: Infection pt. 3

“You look like hell.” My mother placed a steaming mug full of coffee on the kitchen table in front of me.  “Not sleeping?” 

“I have a lot on my mind.” My hand wrapped around the mug, the heat feeling good against my sore joints. 

I had needed to get out of the city, away from the noise and the panic.  I needed to feel safe again, if only for a few minutes.  So, I had hopped the train, and headed back to the suburbs, back to home and family.  I knew full well that whatever peace I was looking to find would only be momentary, a brief reprieve from the hell that Chicago was becoming, but I didn’t care.  I needed it. 

“I…” My mother bit her bottom lip. “I think you should come stay at home for a while.  I don’t like you being down there all alone.” 

My normal reaction would be to remind my mother that I was an adult, and that I was very capable of taking care of myself.  Right now, though? Right now that sounded like an amazing idea.  Maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to run away from it all.  Maybe I could forget that all my friends were either dead, or missing and most likely dead.

“I’ll think about it.” I was being honest. “I would have to square things away with work, and find someone to take care of my place, but…”

I looked at my mother, and saw that she was relieved to see that I hadn’t instantly shot down her idea. 

I ended up staying the night at my parents.

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