Friday, December 18, 2015

Tentacle University pt. 19

Lee walked through the quad, students passing him by without a second glance. He was listening to them, though.  They may not have been paying attention to him, but he was paying attention to them, and what they were saying scared the hell out of him.

“Looks like they are shutting the school down by the end of the week.”

“Well, can you blame them? I mean, how many people have died already? They keep this place open, and none of us will make it to graduation.”


He knew had been too greedy.  His hunger had just been so strong, and those men had been so… delicious.  Now his entire food supply was going to be cut off from him, and all because he couldn’t keep his hunger under control.

He needed to think.  He needed a plan to wait out the school’s closure. 

Another group of students passed him, their conversation cutting through the general noise that surrounded the quad.

“I don’t know where the hell I’m going to go,” a young woman was saying.  “My parents don’t want me back, and I don’t have enough saved up to pay for an apartment or a hotel.”

A little light seemed to go on in his brain.

He needed to stock up, and there were plenty of students who could go “missing” and no one would notice.  No families looking for them meant no panic, and no panic meant that if they just happened to not return after the break.  He just had to keep his hunger under control once life on campus returned to normal. 

So, he needed to find some guys who fit that profile, and the easiest way to do that would be to get to the student records.  If he had more time he could try and hack into the system, but who knew how long the school would give students to leave.  No, he needed to take a more… hands on approach. 

Digging into Lee’s memory, he was able to remember that the records office was just on the other side of the quad. 



The Records Office was small and dusty, with a single desk that spanned the width of the room.  Lee walked in, instantly sneezing at the onslaught of dust in the air.

“Bless you,” said the young man on the other side of the counter. 

Lee flinched at the blessing, but did his best to smile.  The guy smiled back, his bespectacled eyes locked on Lee.  The little name tag on his pressed dress shirt read “Sam”. 

“Sam,” Lee started towards the desk, “I was wondering if you could help me with something.”

“Well, that’s what I’m here for.” His smile grew, and Lee could smell the heat coming from Sam’s body. 

Outwardly Sam was nothing special.  He was thin framed and scrawny, with thinning brown hair and glasses one size too large for his face, but he was far from ugly.  And air of sexual frustration, repression and desire that seemed to pulse off of him was so alluring. 

Lee knew he couldn’t feed.  One more body and it would be instant evacuation. Still, he could… play.  He had to admit that having another set of hands would make collecting his food so much easier, and he could snack here and there when he wanted to. 

Yes, Lee thought to himself, he could use a minion. 

Lee smiled, leaning over the desk.  He could sense Sam grow tense, but the smile stayed on his face.  Then, without warning, Lee lunged.  His lips pressed against Sam’s, the force of his leap causing the clerk’s chair to tip back, and both of them tumbled to the floor. 

Lee had expected some resistance, but found none. Sam gave into him so easily, and so readily. 

“This is like a porno or something.” Sam said through rapid, short breaths.  He pushed his body against Lee, his hands beginning to explore.

“Yeah, but not like any porno you’ve ever seen.” That was when Lee unleashed the tentacles. 

As he ravaged Sam’s body he made an effort to hold back.  He didn’t want to drain him, not completely.  Just enough to control him.  He needed Sam to get him the student records he needed, and he needed help to collect a food supply before all the students left campus.  Sam, who already seemed eager, was that perfect minion. 

He would be the Renfield to Lee’s Dracula.

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