Friday, June 28, 2013

The Comfort Movie

What is a comfort movie? 

It's a movie that you find yourself returning to time and time again.  Maybe it's the story that helps you relax, or maybe it's the time and place where you had seen it, or who you had seen it with. 

The movie itself may not be all that great, but there is something, some connection you make with that particular film that helps bring a smile right back to your face.  Coyote Ugly may not be the greatest movie ever made (or barely passible by most standards), but the second I feel a cold coming on, or the week has done it's best to suck the soul right out of me, I pop that movie and, and in 90 minutes I'm back to feeling human again.  If I'm feeling angry at the world, or feel like everything around me has suddenly turned to mud, I throw on ShortBus, and that anger has melted away, and my faith in humanity is restored.  If I want to reconnect with my childhood, or just be reminded of times when life wasn't all that complicated I throw on Scream or A Nightmare on Elm Street (any of them will do, although I'm partial to two or four) or Friday the 13th part 6: Jason Lives or Part 8: Jason takes Manhattan, and suddenly I'm that 10 year old kid discovering scary movies for the first time. 

It may not make sense to anyone else, but it doesn't have to.  These aren't movies you really care about sharing with others.  These are movies that you connect with, and what others think be damned. 

So, all of this leads up to a question.  What are your comfort movies?  Think about it.  What movies do you turn to every time the world just seems to want to punch you in the gut? 

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