A Little About Me...

Me circa 2013ish!

I'm 29 years old, and heading back to school.*  I have a BA in Fiction Writing, which, while very interesting, is mostly useless in the real world. So, I moved from literature to film, and spent five years working in the film and TV industry in Chicago.  Now I'm at my local community college, and working my way towards a certificate in graphic design. Starting over at square zero isn't always fun, but sometimes it just needs to happen.

My blog is currently home to my web serial, Accidental Demon Slayers.  New episodes are posted on Mondays and Fridays in the morning.  There is also a link to some of my past web serials on the side bar. Occasionally, I may also post some of my own personal ramblings to the blog.  Just a heads up.

Starting at Square Zero is also the hub for my first game!  For more info on Accidental Demon Slayers, check out the game page.

Thanks for visiting guys! 

*Just a note... I am very much not 29 years old anymore. I'm not even in my 30's anymore! Whoo boy this is out of date. Note, I did go back to school, and I did graduate. So, yay! Might update this later if I decide to do something with this blog. Who knows... 

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