Friday, December 13, 2013

Accidental Demon Slayers: Experiments in Darkness pt. 2

“So, do you have any idea why my services would be needed at your work?”  I sat across the kitchen table from Kurt.  My dinner plate sat untouched in front of me.  I hadn’t been able to shake my uneasy feeling since leaving the office.

“What are you talking about?” Kurt looked at me completely confused.  “Someone from Yamada hired you?”

“A young woman, Elizabeth Malone, came in today.  Said something in the lab resulted in creating something... well, it created something that they feel I would be more inclined to handle.”

“Sweetie, I’m in the business offices all day.  I hardly ever have anything to do with the labs.  They keep those places locked up tight.”  He took a bite of his dinner, seeming completely unaffected by the current topic of conversation.  “Everything there is on a need to know basis.”

“So you have no idea what I’m going to be dealing with?”  I pushed a piece of broccoli around my plate, my mind still miles away from my meal.

“None.”  Kurt sat back, giving me that look I knew too well.  The worried look that made me question why I was even in this stupid business in the first place.  “I will admit, I’m curious about what they’re doing down there, but for now, it’s all out of my clearance.”

“Curious?”  I leaned forward.  “You know...”

“Don’t even think about it.”  Kurt looked away from me, again putting his focus on finishing his food.

“Wouldn’t you like to see what they were working on?.”  I smiled.  It was the first smile since I had left the office.  “You could see stuff so secret that even the President would probably be denied access.”

“I don’t know.  Bad things tend to happen when I get involved with your work.”  He still wouldn’t look at me.

“Please!  Clare is out of town, and Brittany isn’t even close to being ready to handle an actual team mission.”  I did my best to pout.  I’m pretty sure I just looked ridiculous, but it seemed to work.

He glanced up at me.  “They would never okay it. No matter how adorable you try and make yourself look.”

“Of course.”

“Now stop pouting.  You look like you’re having a stroke.”  His serious facade faded for one brief moment and a swear I saw him crack a smile.

For a brief moment I forgot about the unknown.  I forgot about all the questions that were running through my head.  At that moment my mind was completely in the moment.

For the rest of dinner I pushed the new job out of my head.  The unknown and unexpected meant that moments like this could be in short supply for the foreseeable future.  It was best to just enjoy dinner, and enjoy time with the most important person to me in the whole wide world.

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