Monday, March 7, 2016

New Pom Pom Angel: First Dates pt. 6

Regina and I found a table towards the back.  We could still keep an eye on Gus and Raven, but we were hidden enough where he couldn’t spot us instantly.

“So, do we just watch?” Regina, still pouting, crossed her arms over her chest.

“No, we listen in.” I leaned forward, keeping my voice low. 

“Listen in?” The demon looked confused.

“Yes.” I tapped my ears. “One of the perks of being an angel is having hyper-hearing.  So, I can safely spy on those two without having to be within ear shot.”

Regina’s eyes narrowed. “That’s a little creepy.”

“It’s necessary, Regina.” It was my turn to pout. “Gus, while a nice guy, has the social skills of a brick wall.  I’m looking out for his best interests here.  If that means I have to do a little spying, then so be it.”

Regina let out one single laugh. “You sound like a politician.”

That comment sent a shiver down my spine.  “You have a better idea?”

“Nope.” She held up her hands in defeat.

“That’s what I thought.” I sat back, and tried to focus. 

I could hear everything in the cafĂ© around me, and it took a second for me to hone in on the sound of Gus’s voice.  He sounded nervous, which I expected, but he didn’t exactly sound unhappy.  So, that was a plus. 

“You know,” Regina started speaking, leaning forward and resting her forearms on the table. “Being on earth so long has kind of made you a bitch.”

“I’m just focused.” I tried not to let her break my concentration. 

“Sure, focused on being demanding and nasty.” She pointed at me. “If a demon is telling you that you aren’t playing nice, then that means you have a problem.”

I didn’t respond.  I did my best to block her out and stay focused on Gus’s voice.  I had a job to do, and I wanted to do it right.  If that meant being a bit of a bitch, well… so be it. 

Honestly, I just wanted Gus to be happy.  He just needed a little bit of a shove to find out what that happiness was.  What did they call it? Tough love. Yeah, I was practicing some heavy duty, tough love.

“So, I’m surprised that you asked me out again.” Raven was speaking now. 

Regina tried to say something, and I held up a hand. 

Here we go, I thought to myself.

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