Monday, December 8, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Melody of Light pt. 39

Ashtyn had to think fast. 

She heard Rita scream as the floor shifted and liquefied.  It was crawling up her leg, past her knee, pulling her down. 

“Tabitha,” the voice in her head was yelling, “I need a little help here.”

There was no verbal response, but the fan blade began to reform, switching into a long, heavy hammer.  Ashtyn swung, the hammer crashing into one of floor, sending glowing cracks through out the room. 

Rita pulled free. 

Ashtyn surveyed her surroundings quickly, trying to formulate a plan.  Her friends were stuck in those damn cages, their eyes nothing but mirrored surfaces, dull without any light to reflect back.  The old woman stood at her throne, watching them.  The floor, although damaged, was still attacked, grabbing at her friends, at her. 

Q was the only one unaffected.  He stood there, stunned into silence, watching his mother, that old, wrinkled witch.  He was frozen in place. 

She caught something out of the corner of her eye, in one of the cages.  Aria was stirring, struggling.  Her eyes were flickering, the metallic liquid seemingly being ripped away. 

She remembered the melody she had heard earlier, the one that had broken through the inky blackness of the stone pool.  She remembered how it had seemed to lighten up the entire room, a light that burned so bright that no darkness could survive. 

She knew what she had to do. 

She rushed the witch, dodging the glassy tentacles that sprang up to stop her, swinging her hammer to shatter the ones that got too close.  She had to distract that old bitch long enough to let Aria’s mind to break free. 

The old woman never saw her coming.  She was too focused on the torment she was causing her son.  Ashtyn swung the hammer, the blunt, heavy edge of the hammer’s head connecting with the side of the old woman’s skull. 

The blow sent splintering cracks through out her wrinkled old face, part of the skull caved in.  The old woman didn’t fall, but she stumbled, stunned that she had not stopped the attack. Ashtyn swung again, taking her opening.  This time the hammer’s head made contact with the old woman’s stomach, sending a shock wave through the old woman’s body. 

“Aria!” Ashtyn was screaming.  “I need you to wake up!  I need… you… to…”

The old woman howled, whipping around and knocking Ashtyn off her feet. 

Ashtyn slid along the floor.  When she finally came to a stop she felt a glassy tentacle whip around her arm, pinning her hand and the hammer to floor. 

The old woman was stalking towards her, her body repairing much slower this time. “Didn’t you learn the first time? Your weapons cannot destroy me!”

“No.” Ashtyn smiled. “But they can keep you busy.” 

Ashtyn could see Aria over the old woman’s shoulder.  Her eyes were normal again.  Her soul had regained control over her body. 

“What?” The old woman looked at Ashtyn, confused.

“Enjoy the music, bitch.” Ashtyn sat up. “Aria, SING!”

The room went still as the melody began again. 

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