Thursday, May 26, 2016

Eye See You: Mother's Day pt. 2

Bea was one of my oldest friends. I had gone to high school with her. We had spent prom night hanging out in her dad’s rec room when neither of us had gotten dates. She had stood up in my wedding, and I stood up in hers.

The short version was, there was history.

I had seen Bea and Richard at the funeral, and both of them had seemed fine. There was something in the way Bea was talking, though. I didn’t think it was just Richard who was a little off. There was something off at the Rolland house, and I needed to figure out what it was.

More importantly, I needed to fix it. I have already lost enough important people in my life, and the way things were going, there was a good chance I would lose more. I couldn’t just sit idly by and let that happen.

I turned off the highway, taking the exit ramp slow. I couldn’t do much good if I flipped my car, now could I?

Bea’s house was only a few blocks off the highway, and I took the side streets slowly, taking in my surroundings.

Usually there were kids playing in the yards, or at least people mowing their lawns or talking to their neighbors. Today, though… Today the neighborhood was completely silent.

It made me uneasy.  It made me feel like I was about to walk into a trap.

I probably was, the more I thought about it, but I couldn’t risk Bea’s life because I was scared.

She needed my help.

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