Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Eye See You: Mother's Day pt. 3

I pulled into Bea’s driveway, keeping my eyes out for any of those phone freaks that I had seen at the diner. I wasn’t as young as I use to be, and while I might be able to outrun one or two of them, I doubt I could successful fight any of them off.

Grabbing my purse, and double checking to make sure I had my mace and my Taser, I got out of the car and started towards the side door.

For some reason an old saying of my mother’s flashed through my mind.

“Company uses the front door. Friends use the side door.”

I smiled. I don’t think, in all the years I had known her, I ever walked in through Bea’s front door.

I paused. Had. “I had know her”, past tense.

She was still alive. She was still alive, and I would walk into her kitchen, and Richard would just be grumpy, and maybe have a cold. They would both be fine, and this little house, with those sweet and amazing people that I have known for my entire adult life, would be inside, safe and sound.

I wanted to believe that so bad, but the ever growing silence around me made my doubts grow.

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