Friday, August 7, 2015

Letters from the Dead Epilogue

A student sneaking out for a smoke had found Felicia in the woods behind the school. 
Her body had been nailed to a large, wooden cross that had been left dangling from a tree.
Just from the brief description in the paper Ashtyn had found her stomach churning. 

Two days after Felicia was found, three students committed suicide during a school assembly.  The day after, four students dove head first off the roof of the school building.

Demon Slayers Inc. couldn’t get ahead of this one, and the fallout meant people were dying. The Sisters of Suffering, and their letters, had moved to quickly for Ashtyn, or anyone on her team, to get to the source.  The letters had spread.

A week after Felicia was found it was announced that the Church of the New Day was acquiring Wheaton Prep.  They promised to do everything in their power to stop the outbreak of violence and suicide.

Ashtyn was sure that, once the Church was in power, the violence would end suddenly. The letters had served their purposes, and the Church, or at least someone in the church, had what they wanted.  Now it was time to build up the town’s trust. The easiest way to do that was to play savior.

This was the first battle that Demon Slayers Inc. had truly lost, and Ashtyn hoped they fared better in the war that she knew was coming.  If they didn’t, she didn’t even want to think of what future awaited them, and how many lives would be lost in the process.

The Suffering Cycle continues in... A Dark Lesson: Amanda

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