Friday, May 23, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 22

It had taken two of Max’s guys almost half an hour to get the ride up and running, but finally Clare found herself nestled into one of the swan boats, with a very jittery Max by her side.  She glanced over to the tech guy who had gotten behind the controls, and nodded for him to start he ride. 

With a jerk, the boat started to move forward.  She guessed that the boat was hooked to some kind of track under the water.  Slowly the chipped swan made it’s away towards the pitch black opening to the Tunnel of Love. 

Max held up his camera, and as soon as they passed through the worn, wooden heart, he turned on the night vision. 

Soft music echoed through the tight tunnel.  Clare couldn’t be sure, but it sounded like a version of “Moon River” that you would hear in supermarkets back when she was a kid.  The boat bumped against the walls of the tunnel, and for a while there was complete darkness. 

She glanced at the display on the camera.  There was nothing much to see.  Just the front of the boat, and the black water making gently waves as they glided along. 

“How many couples do you think did a little necking in this very swan?” Clare leaned against Max, and she felt him jump at her touch. 

“Who knows?”  Max’s voice was shaking.  “God knows I’m not really feeling ‘in the mood’ right now.” 

The boat continued down the tunnel for about a minute more before opening up into a small cavern.  Foam stalactites hung from the ceiling, while fiberglass stalagmites poked up through the water.  Mermaid figures sat perched on rocks placed in the murky water.  Everything was lit in pale pink and green lighting, making the whole scene look like something out of an old Italian horror movie. 

“Do you think those things ever looked normal?” Max aimed the camera at one of the mermaids. 

Clare squinted, trying to make out the details of the figure.  She sat on a rock, her tail dipped into the water.  Her back was arched, and her head hung back.  Her hair was a worn wig that draped down her back, and fluttered in the slight breeze that moved through the man made cavern.  She was shocked to see that her breasts were exposed, with little pink nipples painted on the glossy mounds. 

“I doubt it.”  Clare shook her head. 

She turned her attention to another mermaid, this one half in the water.  Her head was aimed towards the ceiling, and she was spitting a stream of water out of her mouth.  A third mermaid sat on a small island, farthest away from the boat.  She was resting on her belly, her tail flapping up and down.  Her torso was lifted just enough to expose her breasts.  The only thing keeping her from being completely exposed was the tangled wig that fell past her shoulders.  The whole thing seemed inappropriate to her.  The figures were made to look like something out of a pin up magazine, not like something you would see in a ride at a family friendly amusement park.

The boat stopped, and the music changed, switching to the sound of a woman’s voice, humming. 

Clare glanced around the scene again.  Something suddenly felt off.  She heard a splash, and her eyes quickly shot towards the water.  She couldn’t see anything, obviously. 

“What’s going on?”  Max didn’t even attempt to hide his fear. 

“I don’t know.  Just try and stay calm, okay?”  Clare scanned the scene again. 

She first looked to the mermaid on the small island, then to the one spitting water, and then to the one… 

The mermaid that had been sitting on the rock was gone. 

She jumped at the sound of water splashing.  She looked around, but she couldn’t see anything moving under the water.  The splashing continued, and she tried her best to pin point where the noise was coming from.  It was coming from… behind her. 

Clare froze. 

Slowly she turned her head. 

Looking at her perched on the side of the boat, was the mermaid from the rock.  Her face was glossy, wet.  Her hair was matted down, and damp, and this close Clare could see that chunks of her wig had fallen out.  Her eyes were locked directly on both passengers in the boat. 

Clare couldn’t help it.  She screamed.  Max screamed louder.

The boat jerked forward, and the figure of the mermaid vanished back into the water.  Just before they passed out of the cavern, Clare glanced back, and the mermaid had returned to her rock, the only sign that she had ever left being the sheen of water that glistened over her plaster body. 

Max was shaking.  “Was that part of the ride?” 

“I… I don’t know.”  Clare moved closer to Max.  She knew that she was stronger then him, but after that last little jump scare, it felt good to know that she wasn’t alone.  “Did you get it on camera?” 

“Yeah…” Max reached out with his free hand and gripped her knee. 

She braced herself.  She wasn’t sure if she was ready for the next cavern, but when she glanced into the viewfinder on Max’s camera she realized she didn’t have much of a choice.  The entrance to the next cavern was only inches in front of them.  

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