Monday, May 5, 2014

Accidental Demon Slayers: Daughter of Darkness pt. 17

“Damn it!”  Ashtyn slammed her office phone down.  She had tried Clare three times now, and still there was no answer. 

“We should probably warn Kurt.” Bobby was pacing the office, his cellphone in his hand. 

“Warn?” Ashtyn was watching him, her head spinning. 

“She killed Megan, and I’m guessing she was responsible for Steven’s death as well.”  Bobby stopped pacing, looking right at Ashtyn.  “She’s going after everyone who was in Yamada Labs when Grath was fist discovered.” 

Ashtyn nodded, and Bobby hit a few buttons on his phone.  She could hear it ringing. 

“You are so afraid.”  Tabitha’s voice was confused.  “Do you believe I cannot protect you?” 

Ashtyn closed her eyes, doing her best to keep the conversation in her head.  She didn’t need to distract Bobby, not now. 

“I don’t doubt that you can protect me.”  Her mind strained to form the words.  “But who is going to protect Kurt?” 

“He can take care of himself.”  Tabitha slowly appeared in the darkness in front of Ashtyn.  She looked exactly as Ashtyn had remembered her.  She was tall, with flowing, wine red hair and rich, cocoa skin.  Her purple, toga style dress was still, draped over her slender, strong body. “The Scribes have not decided who shall reside in him yet, but the powers of his deity are already manifesting.”

“There you go mentioning the Scribes again.  Who the hell are these people?”  The words seemed to leave her mind with less strain.  “I would like to know who is playing the puppeteer with my life!” 

“They will not reveal themselves to me, or to any of us.  I just know they exist, just as I know that they are responsible for our union.”  Tabitha smiled, looking around the dark space.  “They prefer to do their bidding in secret.  Wouldn’t you, if your task was to create magical deities with the power to inhabit human hosts?” 

“I’m not asking them to take out a billboard, I just want to know why they are so focused on me and my friends.”  Ashtyn could feel her frustration growing.  “Why are they throwing our lives up in the air?  Why not someone else?” 

“You are connected to them.”  Tabitha took a step towards her.  “I know you are going to ask me how, but I can only tell you that it is something from your past, from before Juktha’s connection with Bobby.  It’s something that you have all buried in your memories.” 

“Great.”  Ashtyn sighed.  “So… back to Kurt.  He has powers? He could defend himself against Elizabeth if he need to?” 

“Well, of course.  Elizabeth is just as much a part of the Scribes mission as all of you are.”  Tabitha placed a hand on Ashtyn’s shoulder. 

It was so odd that even in her mindscape, Ashtyn could feel Tabitha’s touch.  Even though her body was still in the office, it was as if it was in this plane as well.  

“Ashtyn!”  Bobby’s voice broke through the darkness, and Ashtyn found herself back at her desk.

“What’s up?”  Ashtyn shook her head, trying to pull herself out of the fog of her mindscape. 

“I just got him on the line.  Just be ready.”  Bobby’s eyes were wide.  He was grinding his teeth so hard that she could practically hear the sound of his molars rubbing against each other. 

Ashtyn nodded. 

“Kurt, listen, something just came up.”  Bobby was speaking quickly, unable to hide the panic from his voice.  “It’s about Megan…” 


Kurt sat behind his desk, his small cubicle tucked towards the back of the office.  He had his phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder as he motioned towards the person standing in the opening of his cubicle to wait for one moment. 

“What about her?”  Kurt glanced at the person waiting for him. 

“Elizabeth… Elizabeth killed her.”  Bobby was speaking quickly, barely giving Kurt enough time to cut in.  “It was her blood on the wall outside of the office.  She sent us…” 

“Hold up.”  Kurt cut in.  “There is no way Elizabeth killed Megan.” 

“What? Why are you saying that?”  Bobby’s voice slowed. 

“She’s here, right now.”  Kurt glanced at Megan.  She looked almost exactly as he remembered her from their time in Yamada labs.  Her clothes were more conservative though, and her scarf seemed a little out of season, and her skin was a little more pale then he…

He froze. 

“Kurt, you need to get away from her.”  Bobby’s words seemed to crawl out of the telephone. 

“What is it Kurt?”  Megan smiled at him.  “Is something wrong?” 

Kurt could feel a chill run down his spine.  Megan’s head twitched, and something seemed to slither underneath her scarf. 

“Get here, fast.”  Kurt whispered the words, and then hung up. 

“Are your friends telling stories about me?”  Megan cocked her head to the side.  “They should know that telling stories isn’t very nice.” 

Kurt couldn’t speak.  All he could do was stare at the little scar that became visible at the top of Megan’s chest.  It was the rough stitch of a Y-incision. 

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