Thursday, December 17, 2015

Eye See You: Infection pt. 6

After the police had come, after the neighbors had come out to see the horror that had suddenly befallen our quiet little suburb, I was able to get my mom to calm down. 

We sat in the kitchen, just as we had a million times before.  My dad was home now, although he had found a way to avoid my dealing with my mom, hiding away in his study, claiming that he had work to do. 

My mom had the look of the drugged.  A Xanex and a glass of wine had done the trick.

“What happened?” I leaned forward, keeping my voice low and steady. 

“I was talking to him.”  She didn’t look at me.  “We were just chatting, and then he got a call on his cell.”

I felt my stomach drop at the mention of a cellphone.

“He answered the call, listened for a minute or so, and then…” She cringed, her body tensing up. “Dave, his face just collapsed in on its self.  One minute he was fine, and then then next…”

Suddenly I could hear Randy’s voice in my head. I could hear him telling me not to go home.  It was following me.

What was it? Was it responsible for Mr. Putterman’s death? 

My mom’s cellphone started to ring, and my heart began to beat faster.  She pulled it out of her pocket, and I watched as her finger moved towards the brightly lit screen.  Without even thinking I reached out, snatching the phone from her hands. 

“I…” I was breathing heavy. “I think we should avoid these things for a little bit. Okay?”

My mom didn’t respond, but there was something in the way she looked at me that told me she understood. Cellphones needed to be avoided, at least for now.

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