Thursday, May 5, 2016

Eye See You: Infection pt. 46

Gently, I lowered Albert to the ground. He clung to my arm.

"Don't leave me," he moaned. "They'll rip me to shreds.

I wanted to tell him that he deserved whatever they dished out, but I kept my mouth. We needed him alive. For what reason, I have no clue, but it was made very clear that he needed to stay alive.

"I'll be right back," I said.

Without another word, I took off towards the fire hose. Virus's minions watched me, but didn't move. They seemed to be unsure of what exactly I was doing. Had they not heard Janelle? I reached the cabinet housing the fire hose, and tried the handle. It was locked. Without thinking I raised my arm, bracing myself for the damage that I was about to do to my own body, and smashed my forearm through the glass.

I winced as the glass shattered, pieces stabbing into my flesh. I had no time to cry, or even cringe at the pain. I just grabbed the fire hose, and unraveled it. Sensing what I was about to do, the minions surged towards me.

They were too late.

I turned the nozzle, and the fire hose inflated with water, a hard stream shooting from the metal tip. It hit the minions with such force that they flew back, knocked clear off their feet. The second the water hit the electronics embedded in their flash they began to convulse. The electronics popped and fizzled. Some exploded. The hallway began to fill with the smell of burning flesh as the minions' bodies began to char and melt away.

I felt my stomach lurch. Those things were once people, and now they were being reduced to nothing more than bloody piles of charred bones, melted flesh and sparking wires.

In a few minutes the water pressure on the fire hose let up, and then it sputtered and died. It didn't matter. All of Virus's minions were already dead by that point.

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