Monday, October 26, 2015

A Dark Lesson pt. 12

Amanda had been out cold when Matt had left the apartment.  He had left her a note on the nightstand to tell her where he was going, and then grabbed his car keys and headed out. 
He had been meaning to check out the Church of the New Day for a while, anyways.  A lot of the kids from the center had been talking about the place, especially since they had recently taken over Wheaton Prep after…
Matt didn’t finish the thought.  That memory still hurt. 
Still, the Church of the New Day was starting to do a lot of youth outreach programs in the area, and Matt wanted to get a handle on what they were actually preaching to these kids.  It wasn’t the religious aspect that he minded, but more that something about the church had always struck him as kind of off.  It was all just a bit too nice. 
He turned off of North Avenue and onto the long, winding drive towards the large church complex.  He had driven past the place countless times since construction had finished, but it wasn’t until he was heading towards it that he could see how massive the whole thing was. 
While most modern churches had a more modern, welcoming look, the Church of the New Day had an oddly gothic feel to it, with two tall, spired bell towers jutting up towards the sky.  As he drove closer he could feel his heart pounding faster. 
That feeling… that wrong feeling was growing stronger.  He knew he should have stopped, should have turned around, but he felt pulled forward.  He was pretty sure that if he took his hands off the wheel the car would still make its way up the winding drive.  He was being pulled into the church’s orbit now. 
When he reached the long, narrow parking lot at the end of the drive he found a spot and parked.  He actually had to catch his breath before opening the car door and stepping out. 
I should go home, he thought to himself.  I shouldn’t have left Amanda there alone, and for what? To spy on the competition?
He turned towards the church entrance, two large, dark cherry wood doors, and saw a man standing there. 
“You got my note!” he cried out, walking down the short set of stone steps into the parking lot. “I’m so glad you came.”
“I… I…” Matt suddenly found himself at a loss for words. 
The man who had to be Howie Day was next to him now.  He threw an arm around Matt’s shoulder and started leading him to those two, large wooden doors.  “Oh, no need to explain. You came here because you needed a little… guidance, right?”
He gave Matt’s shoulder a hard squeeze. 
“Well, then you came to the right place.” Howie smiled. 
“I should really get back home.  My wife, Amanda, she isn’t feeling too well, and…” Matt tried to pull away, to get back to his car.  Howie’s grip grew tighter. 
“Oh, don’t you worry about Amanda.  She’ll be here soon enough.” Howie’s smile grew, and it sent a chill down Matt’s spine. 
He looked back towards the two large, wooden doors.  He could see the carvings around the doorframe clearly now. Naked bodies, writhing in agony, snakes and animal claws ripping at them.  The faces of the figures were frozen in a state between ecstasy and agony. 
What kind of church was this?

The two wood doors flew up, and before Matt could react, or even scream, he found himself sucked into the darkness on the other side.

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