Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Eye See You: Luke Connects pt. 11

His plan swirled around in my brain nonstop.  I couldn’t ignore it.  I couldn’t forget it.  It stalked my every thought.


It had to be done.  It had to happen.  It was the only way for me to get Randy back.  He would have no idea that it was me.  The Unknown Sender had told me as much.  I could complete this task, prove my worth, and escape unscathed.  Then we would both be free. 

As I get ready to leave my apartment, to fake it through another day, I can feel the ear piece vibrate in my pocket.  He’s calling. 

I have no choice but to answer. 

When I engage the rush of the Unknown Sender’s anger floods my body.  Something is wrong.  Someone is interfering.  I need to act soon. Now. 

I am so caught up in the Unknown Sender’s orders that I completely miss the sound of someone knocking at my door.  My master goes silent. 

Slowly I walk to the door, unsure of what to expect on the other side.  Did someone here me?  Do they know what I have planned?

I open the door and Randy is looking at me. 
My mind is divided.  Part of me is glad to see him.  That beautiful face is a welcome distraction from the hell that is my thoughts.  The other part, the part infected by this damn game, is filed with dread. 

Does he know?

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