Monday, June 6, 2016

New Pom Pom Angel: Forbideen Kiss pt. 10

The next night I decided it was my turn to do something nice for Dante. He had actually managed a pretty romantic date the night before, and so I thought I could do something nice in return.

I just had to make sure that it was in a place where neither of us could be interrupted again. So, I picked a nice Chinese restaurant not far from the building.

I stood in front of his door, my shirt pressed and my newly cut hair gelled. I thought I looked damn good.  Regina, who was glaring at me through the doorway, didn’t seem all that impressed.

If looks could kill, I thought. Then I wondered if hers actually could kill, and took a tiny step the side, just in case hellfire sprayed from her retinas.

“I still don’t get it,” said Regina. “Out of all the guys in this city you picked my brother. Why him? Do you have some weird demon fetish? People do, you know. I run into them all the time at the dungeon.”

I shook my head. “He’s just a nice guy, or at least, he tries to be.”

“Listen, Nando, I like you. Well, I like you as much as a demon can like a person. We get along. I’d almost call you a friend.” She cleared her throat. “That is why I have to say these two things. First, as sweet as Dante seems, just be on guard. He steals souls. That’s what he does. He may not even do it on purpose. You know, like premature ejaculation, but instead of ejaculating he’s sucking your soul out of your body.”

I could feel my eyes go wide as she continued.

“Second, and this is not from me as a demon, but me as a sister. My little brother is still my little brother, and if you hurt him I will chop off your nuts and you can sing soprano in Hell’s gospel choir.”

“Hell has a gospel choir?” I was honestly confused.

“What else do you think we do with the all the televangelists who get sent our way?” She looked at me as if I should have known that.

“Is that him?” Dante’s voice echoed from the back of the apartment. “I’ll be right out Nando!”

He sounded so happy. The sound of his voice, so light and excited actually made me feel a little warm inside. Didn’t help with the nerves, though. Those were getting worse by the minute. Especially since Regina had just told me that I could accidentally get me soul sucked out of me.

Before I could say anything else, Dante pushed past Regina, grabbed my hand, and with a quick “be back later”, pulled me out of the house.

And I was off for yet another date with a demon.  

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