Monday, February 22, 2016

New Pom Pom Angel: First Dates pt. 4

I rushed down out of the apartment, and down the hall to the apartment that Regina had moved into.  I banged on the door hard enough that my fists hurt. 

“Regina?” I hit harder. “Regina, open up! I need to ask you something!”

The door opened, and a young man poked his head out.  He was pale, with shiny black hair that was short in the back, but long in the front, his bangs hanging over his striking silver eyes. 

“What do you want?” His voice was low, slow and not too happy to see me. 

“I… I need to speak to Regina!” I was suddenly having a hard time catching my breath.

“You’re that angel she keeps going on about, aren’t you?” He smirked. “Missy, right?”

“Yes, listen, I really…” I tried to push past him, to see into the apartment. 

“Name is Dante.  I’m Regina’s brother.” He took my hand, giving it a healthy shake. “Anyone who gives my sister a hard time is someone I like. So, let me help you out Missy.  Regina isn’t here.  She’s out stalking that Gus guy.  Apparently he’s going on a second date with one of her picks. She wants to see how it goes.” 

Shit!  How long had I been asleep?  I looked down at my watch, and saw that it was almost seven.  At least I knew where the date was.  I could probably get there in time to stop Regina from doing whatever she had planned.

“Thank you!”  I don’t know why, but I jumped up and hugged Dante.

“You’re welcome.” He watched me as I ran away.  “As repayment, maybe you could introduce me to that Nando guy? He’s kind of my type.” 

“Sure!” I waved at him as I darted down the stairs, and out of the building.

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